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해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
npx react-native@0.72.6 init MatzipApp 실행시 에러...
npx react-native@0.72.6 init MatzipApp으로 프로젝트 생성시에 위 그림과 같은 에러가 발생합니다. ㅠㅠ 에러내용(error Couldn't find the "/var/folders/gc/vtr7g1756tq9m2vjzb7qtc7c0000gn/T/rncli-init-template-0bHa5c/node_modules/react-native/template.config.js file inside "react-native" template. Please make sure the template is valid. Read more: https://github.com/react-native-community/cli/blob/master/docs/init.md#creating-custom-template.info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.) 어떻게 해결해야 할까요?
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
인증서 버튼 질문드립니다.
안녕하세요 강사님아래 과정에서 강사님 화면의 인증서라는 버튼이 보이지 않습니다.혹시 유료 멤버십을 가입해야만 애플로그인 과정을 진행할 수 있는걸까요?
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
[해결 방법] AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401
npx react-native run-ios 로 실행하는 것이 아닌Xcode에서 build 실행하셔야 적용됩니다!!
미해결Next + React Query로 SNS 서비스 만들기
useFormState, useFormStatus 관련 질문
[섹션4-4 클라이언트 컴포넌트에서 ServerActions 사용하기]제가 사용하고있는 라이브러리 버전입니다. "next": "^15.0.0-canary.181", "next-auth": "^5.0.0-beta.22", "react": "^18", "react-dom": "^18" useFormState현재 공식문서에선 useFormState from 'react-dom'이 아닌 useActionState from 'react` 로 사용하도록 되어있더라구요. 그래서 해당 변경사항대로 사용해도 문제가 없을지 궁금합니다. useFormStatus공식문서를 읽어보는데 "useFormStatus는 동일한 컴포넌트에서 렌더링한 <form>에 대한 상태 정보를 반환하지 않습니다."라고 명시가 되어있더라구요. 그런데 현재 제로초님의 코드는 동일한 컴포넌트의 form에 대해서 pending 값을 받고 있는데, 문제가 발생하지 않는 이유에 대해서 궁금합니다.
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
안드로이드 버튼이 정사각형으로 보이는 문제
안녕하세요 강사님!날짜를 선택하면 아이폰에서는 원형으로 나오는데 안드로이드에서는 정사각형으로 나옵니다ㅠㅠ
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
Build가 안됩니다..
BUILD FAILEDThe following build commands failed:CompileC /Users/gyeongdeok/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/matzip-ggkhtgdnrjngpwgdmpbaaurtozob/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Pods.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/FlipperKit.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/FlipperPlatformWebSocket.o /Users/gyeongdeok/Documents/01.git/matzip/client/ios/Pods/FlipperKit/iOS/FlipperKit/FlipperPlatformWebSocket.mm normal x86_64 objective-c++ com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler (in target 'FlipperKit' from project 'Pods')Building workspace matzip with scheme matzip and configuration Debug(2 failures)]npx react-native run-ios를 실행시키면 어마어마하게 긴 에러가 쭉 나오고 끝에 build failed라고 뜨는데 뭐 찾아보니 flipper쪽 문제라는데... flipper 코드를 없애거나 여러 방법을 해봤는데 잘 안되네요...시뮬레이터는 잘 켜집니다.. 컴퓨터는 인텔맥입니다..
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
npm start 오류 발생(too many open files)
OS : Mac Os M3node -v : v22.9.0npm -v : 10.8.3watchman 2024.10.07.00 is already installed and up-to-date. 안녕하세요, 프로젝트 init 이후에 npm start를 하는데 첨부한 사진과 같은 오류가 발생합니다.watchman도 install 했는데 왜 이런 오류가 생기는지 해결방법을 못찾겠습니다.구글링을 다 해봤는데 다들 똑같이 install watchman이라는 답변만 나오네요
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
안드로이드 배포 시 Splash Screen 관련 에러가 발생합니다.
실제 시뮬레이터로, 테스트할 때는 앱이 정상적으로 동작하나, 베타 테스터를 할 수 있는 링크를 통해 앱을 설치해서 실행시키면은 스플래시 스크린에서 앱이 멈추는 현상이 발생합니다.스플래시 스크린 관련 부분은, 강사님 강의를 그대로 참고했는데, 혹시 버전 관련해서 문제가 발생하는게 있을까요?? 해결하고자하는데 잘 안되서, 이런 경우에 어떤식으로, 에러를 핸들링하는지 알고싶습니다!
미해결Next + React Query로 SNS 서비스 만들기
prefetch 질문
안녕하세요!저는 fetch를 사용하지않고 axios를 사용해봤는데요!서버에서 prefetch한 데이터가 초기에 useQuery에 값이 없는 이슈가 있어서 디깅을 해보다가 ReactQueryProvider에서 선언한 queryClient와 Home.tsx에서 선언한 queryClient가 달라 캐시한 값을 가져오지 못한다고 생각하는데 혹시 맞을까요? "use client"; import { useState } from "react"; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import { ReactQueryDevtools } from "@tanstack/react-query-devtools"; import { isProduction } from "@/app-src/shared/env"; export const ReactQueryProvider = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => { const [queryClient] = useState( () => new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { staleTime: Infinity, gcTime: Infinity, }, }, }) ); return ( <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> {children} {!isProduction && <ReactQueryDevtools initialIsOpen={false} />} </QueryClientProvider> ); }; import { PostIndex } from "@/app-src/post/[slug]"; import { API_PATH } from "@/app-src/shared/apis"; import { getPost } from "@/app-src/shared/apis/post/get-post"; import { dehydrate, HydrationBoundary, QueryClient, } from "@tanstack/react-query"; const PostPage = async ({ params }: { params: { slug: string } }) => { const { slug } = params; const queryClient = new QueryClient(); // 서버에서 미리 데이터를 패칭 await queryClient.prefetchQuery({ queryKey: [API_PATH.POST(slug)], queryFn: () => getPost(slug), }); const a = queryClient.getQueryData([API_PATH.POST(slug)]); console.log(a, "a"); // 데이터 직렬화 const dehydratedState = dehydrate(queryClient); return ( <HydrationBoundary state={dehydratedState}> <PostIndex /> </HydrationBoundary> ); }; export default PostPage;"use client"; import { API_PATH } from "@/app-src/shared/apis"; import { getPost } from "@/app-src/shared/apis/post/get-post"; import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import { useParams } from "next/navigation"; export const PostIndex = () => { const { slug } = useParams<{ slug: string }>(); const { data } = useQuery({ queryKey: [API_PATH.POST(slug)], queryFn: () => getPost(slug), }); // 초기에 없음 -> 패칭 -> 있음 console.log(data, "data"); return ( <div> <div>{data?.title}</div> </div> ); };만약 제가 생각한게 맞다면 어떻게 해결해야할까요?
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
아이폰에선 되는데 안드리오드에선 데이터를 가져오는데 실패해요..
Config값도 콘솔에 잘나오는데..둘다안되면 모르겟는데 안드로이드만 안되니 디버깅을 할수없고 검색해도 안나오는데.. 혹시 아시는거 있으실까요?
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
cocoapods 에러
알려주신 방법대로 했는데 이번에는 아래와 같은 에러가 발생합니다 ㅠㅠ gongmyeong@Huns-Pro documents % sudo npx react-native@0.72.6 init MatzipApp --version 0.72.6Password: ###### ###### ### #### #### ### ## ### ### ## ## #### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ######################## ## ###### ### ### ###### ### ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ### #### ### ## ### ## #### ######## #### ## ## ### ########## ### ## ## #### ######## #### ## ### ## ### #### ### ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ### ###### ### ### ###### ## ######################## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## #### ## ## ### ### ## ### #### #### ### ###### ###### Welcome to React Native! Learn once, write anywhere ✔ Downloading template✔ Copying template✔ Processing template✔ Installing Ruby Gemsℹ Installing Ruby Gems✔ Installing CocoaPods✖ Installing CocoaPods dependencies (this may take a few minutes)error bundler: failed to load command: pod (/Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/pod)CLAide::Help: [!] You cannot run CocoaPods as root. Usage: $ pod COMMAND CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager. Commands: + cache Manipulate the CocoaPods cache + env Display pod environment + init Generate a Podfile for the current directory + install Install project dependencies according to versions from a Podfile.lock + ipc Inter-process communication + lib Develop pods + list List pods + outdated Show outdated project dependencies + repo Manage spec-repositories + setup Set up the CocoaPods environment + spec Manage pod specs + update Update outdated project dependencies and create new Podfile.lock Options: --allow-root Allows CocoaPods to run as root --silent Show nothing --version Show the version of the tool --verbose Show more debugging information --no-ansi Show output without ANSI codes --help Show help banner of specified command /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/claide-1.1.0/lib/claide/command.rb:439:in `help!' /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/cocoapods-1.15.2/lib/cocoapods/command.rb:102:in `ensure_not_root_or_allowed!' /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/cocoapods-1.15.2/lib/cocoapods/command.rb:48:in `run' /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/cocoapods-1.15.2/bin/pod:55:in `<top (required)>' /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/pod:23:in `load' /Users/gongmyeong/Documents/MatzipApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/pod:23:in `<top (required)>'✖ Installing CocoaPods dependencies (this may take a few minutes)error Looks like your iOS environment is not properly set. Please go to https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup?os=macos&platform=android and follow the React Native CLI QuickStart guide for macOS and iOS.info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
DrawerNavigation 오류
2-5강중 DrawerNavigation 강의를 진행하던 중 오류가 생겼습니다. 오류내용은 다음과 같습니다. ERROR Warning: Error: [Reanimated] Native part of Reanimated doesn't seem to be initialized. See https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/guides/troubleshooting#native-part-of-reanimated-doesnt-seem-to-be-initialized for more details., js engine: hermes at DrawerViewBase (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:181627:22) at RCTView at View (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:64127:43) at GestureHandlerRootView (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:178516:21) at RNCSafeAreaProvider at SafeAreaProvider (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:141950:24) at SafeAreaProviderCompat (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:142727:24) at DrawerView (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:181827:27) at PreventRemoveProvider (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:138566:25) at NavigationContent (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:139353:22) at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:139369:27) at DrawerNavigator (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:181521:18) at MainDrawerNavigator at RootNavigator (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:132339:41) at EnsureSingleNavigator (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:135474:24) at BaseNavigationContainer (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:135070:28) at ThemeProvider (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:140882:21) at NavigationContainerInner (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:140770:26) at App at RCTView at View (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:64127:43) at RCTView at View (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:64127:43) at AppContainer (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:64000:25) at MatzipApp(RootComponent) (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle//&platform=ios&dev=true&lazy=true&minify=false&inlineSourceMap=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=org.reactjs.native.example.MatzipApp:117354:28) ERROR Warning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isConfigured' of undefined This error is located at: in DrawerViewBase (created by DrawerView) in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by GestureHandlerRootView) in GestureHandlerRootView (created by DrawerView) in RNCSafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProvider) in SafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProviderCompat) in SafeAreaProviderCompat (created by DrawerView) in DrawerView (created by DrawerNavigator) in PreventRemoveProvider (created by NavigationContent) in NavigationContent in Unknown (created by DrawerNavigator) in DrawerNavigator (created by MainDrawerNavigator) in MainDrawerNavigator (created by RootNavigator) in RootNavigator (created by App) in EnsureSingleNavigator in BaseNavigationContainer in ThemeProvider in NavigationContainerInner (created by App) in App in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by AppContainer) in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by AppContainer) in AppContainer in MatzipApp(RootComponent), js engine: hermes ERROR Warning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isConfigured' of undefined This error is located at: in DrawerViewBase (created by DrawerView) in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by GestureHandlerRootView) in GestureHandlerRootView (created by DrawerView) in RNCSafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProvider) in SafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProviderCompat) in SafeAreaProviderCompat (created by DrawerView) in DrawerView (created by DrawerNavigator) in PreventRemoveProvider (created by NavigationContent) in NavigationContent in Unknown (created by DrawerNavigator) in DrawerNavigator (created by MainDrawerNavigator) in MainDrawerNavigator (created by RootNavigator) in RootNavigator (created by App) in EnsureSingleNavigator in BaseNavigationContainer in ThemeProvider in NavigationContainerInner (created by App) in App in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by AppContainer) in RCTView (created by View) in View (created by AppContainer) in AppContainer in MatzipApp(RootComponent), js engine: hermes 에러내용에 공식문서 링크가 달려있어서 들어가서 따라해보았지만 역시 동일하게 오류가 발생하였습니다.babel.config.jsmodule.exports = { presets: ['module:@react-native/babel-preset'], plugins: [ '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from', 'react-native-reanimated/plugin', ], }; 해당 issue도 확인해서 해결법을 따라해봤지만 여전히 동일한 오류가 발생합니다.https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated/issues/5856 제 github repository입니다.https://github.com/DongSeonYoo/RN-study/tree/main/front
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
프로젝트 생서 cocoapods 에러
루비 버전까지 맞춰서 2.7.6 맞추고 프로젝트 생성 했는데 계속 cocoapods 에러가 발생합니다 ㅠㅠ gongmyeong@Huns-Pro ~ % ruby -vruby 2.7.6p219 (2022-04-12 revision c9c2245c0a) [arm64-darwin23]gongmyeong@Huns-Pro ~ % sudo npx react-native@0.72.6 init MatzipApp --version 0.72.6Password: ###### ###### ### #### #### ### ## ### ### ## ## #### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ######################## ## ###### ### ### ###### ### ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ### #### ### ## ### ## #### ######## #### ## ## ### ########## ### ## ## #### ######## #### ## ### ## ### #### ### ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ### ###### ### ### ###### ## ######################## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## #### ## ## ### ### ## ### #### #### ### ###### ###### Welcome to React Native! Learn once, write anywhere ✔ Downloading template✔ Copying template✔ Processing template✔ Installing Ruby Gemsℹ Installing Ruby Gems✖ Installing CocoaPodserror ✖ Installing CocoaPodserror An error occured while trying to install CocoaPods, which is required by this template.Please try again manually: sudo gem install cocoapods.CocoaPods documentation: https://cocoapods.org/.info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
프로젝트 생성 오류
❗질문 작성시 꼭 참고해주세요최대한 상세히 현재 문제(또는 에러)와 코드(또는 github)를 첨부해주셔야 그만큼 자세히 답변드릴 수 있습니다.맥/윈도우, 안드로이드/iOS, ReactNative 버전 등의 개발환경도 함께 적어주시면 도움이 됩니다. 에러메세지는 일부분이 아닌 전체 상황을 올려주세요. (일부만 잘라서 올리지 말아주세요.) 안녕하세요 강의 중 프로젝트 생성 명령어를 입력하면 아래와 같은 오류가 발생합니다 ㅠ 왜이런걸까요?gongmyeong@Huns-Pro documents % npx react-native@0.72.6 init MatzipApp --version 0.72.6Need to install the following packages:react-native@0.72.6Ok to proceed? (y) y npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependencynpm warn While resolving: react-native@0.72.6npm warn Found: react@undefinednpm warn node_modules/reactnpm warnnpm warn Could not resolve dependency:npm warn peer react@"18.2.0" from react-native@0.72.6npm warn node_modules/react-nativenpm warn react-native@"0.72.6" from the root projectnpm warn 1 more (@react-native/virtualized-lists)npm error code EEXISTnpm error syscall mkdirnpm error path /Users/gongmyeong/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/85/78npm error errno EEXISTnpm error Invalid response body while trying to fetch https://registry.npmjs.org/@react-native%2fcodegen: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/Users/gongmyeong/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/85/78'npm error File exists: /Users/gongmyeong/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/85/78npm error Remove the existing file and try again, or run npmnpm error with --force to overwrite files recklessly.npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/gongmyeong/.npm/_logs/2024-10-08T11_51_49_358Z-debug-0.log
미해결Next + React Query로 SNS 서비스 만들기
postgreSQL에 register server 할때마다 zcom db가 같이 생성됩니다
전공자따라잡기 데이터베이스 공부중에 mysql 대신 이 강의 할때 깔았던 postgreSQL로 연습해보려고 하다가 질문드립니다서버그룹 우클릭 -> register -> server 하면 사용자 이름으로 된 기본db와 함께 zcom이 항상 같이 생성되는데 이 zcom db 생성안되게 하려면 어떻게 해야하나요?
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
1-5 안드로이드 시물레이터 연결 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception 문제
❗질문 작성시 꼭 참고해주세요최대한 상세히 현재 문제(또는 에러)와 코드(또는 github)를 첨부해주셔야 그만큼 자세히 답변드릴 수 있습니다.맥/윈도우, 안드로이드/iOS, ReactNative 버전 등의 개발환경도 함께 적어주시면 도움이 됩니다. 에러메세지는 일부분이 아닌 전체 상황을 올려주세요. (일부만 잘라서 올리지 말아주세요.) yarn start로 하면 정의가 안되어 있다고 해서 npm start로 했구요 run on android를 하게 되면 이런 오류가 납니다. 어떻게 해결해야될까요??info Opening the app on Android...info JS server already running.info Launching emulator...info 💡 Tip: Make sure that you have set up your development environment correctly, by running react-native doctor. To read more about doctor command visit: https://github.com/react-native-community/cli/blob/main/packages/cli-doctor/README.md#doctorFAILURE: Build failed with an exception.* What went wrong:Gradle could not start your build.> Cannot create service of type DependencyLockingHandler using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createDependencyLockingHandler() asthere is a problem with parameter #2 of type ConfigurationContainerInternal.> Cannot create service of type ConfigurationContainerInternal using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createConfigurationContainer() as there is a problem with parameter #13 of type DefaultConfigurationFactory.> Cannot create service of type DefaultConfigurationFactory using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createDefaultConfigurationFactory() as there is a problem with parameter #2 of type ConfigurationResolver.> Cannot create service of type ConfigurationResolver using method DefaultDependencyManagementServices$DependencyResolutionScopeServices.createDependencyResolver() asthere is a problem with parameter #1 of type ArtifactDependencyResolver.> Cannot create service of type ArtifactDependencyResolver using method DependencyManagementBuildScopeServices.createArtifactDependencyResolver() as there is a problem with parameter #4 of type List<ResolverProviderFactory>.> Could not create service of type VersionControlRepositoryConnectionFactory using VersionControlBuildSessionServices.createVersionControlSystemFactory().> Failed to create parent directory 'C:\Windows\System32\Matzip\android\.gradle' when creating directory 'C:\Windows\System32\Matzip\android\.gradle\vcs-1'* Try:> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.> Run with --scan to get full insights.* Get more help at https://help.gradle.orgBUILD FAILED in 842msFAILURE: Build failed with an exception.* What went wrong:Could not update C:\Windows\System32\Matzip\android\.gradle\8.0.1\fileChanges\last-build.bin> C:\Windows\System32\Matzip\android\.gradle\8.0.1\fileChanges\last-build.bin (������ ��θ� ã�� �� �����ϴ�)�����ϴ�)* Try:> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.> Run with --scan to get full insights.* Get more help at https://help.gradle.orgBUILD FAILED in 844ms
해결됨[풀스택 완성] Supabase로 웹사이트 3개 클론하기 (Next.js 14)
카카오 로그인 관련
카카오 로그인 까지 구현 후vercel에 배포 까지 한 상태이고 아직 도메인은 등록 하지않았습니다만집에서 할 때는 vscode로 로컬 서버를 열어놔서 몰랏었는데 로컬 서버를 열어놨을 때는 잘되지만밖에서 제가 vercel에 배포한 사이트를 들어가서 카카오 로그인을 시도해보니 localhost에서 연결을 거부했습니다. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED 에러가 나오는데 어디가 문제 인걸까요? ㅠ
미해결Next + React Query로 SNS 서비스 만들기
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'substring')
강의를 따라하는 도중 이런 에러를 만났습니다 에러 경로를 보고 찾을려고 하는데 node_modules\oidc-token-hash\lib\shake256.js (3:1)가 어딘지를 잘 못찾겠습니다
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
[해결 방법] ios undefined 나올 경우
npx react-native run-ios 로 실행하는 것이 아닌Xcode 실행해서 빌드해야 적용됩니다!!
해결됨맛집 지도앱 만들기 (React Native + NestJS)
[해결 방법] This API project is not authorized to use this API
console.log(data)에서 아래처럼 응답받을 경우{"error_message": "This API project is not authorized to use this API.", "results": [], "status": "REQUEST_DENIED"}const { data } = await axios.get( `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=${latitude},${longitude}&result_type=street_address|route|political&key=?&language=ko`); console.log(data);Geocoding API 설치 !! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32994634/this-api-project-is-not-authorized-to-use-this-api-please-ensure-that-this-api