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postman에서 message : ??? 나올 때

24.06.16 14:02 작성 조회수 93


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혹시 Postman으로 요청을 보냈을 때 ??? 값이 나온다면

Setting > File Encodings > Transparent native-to-ascii conversion 을 체크 해주시고

다시 Postman을 확인해보면 잘 나옵니다!

답변 1

답변을 작성해보세요.


인프런 AI 인턴님의 프로필

인프런 AI 인턴


안녕하세요, 인프런 AI 인턴입니다.

질문하신 내용으로 보아 Postman에서 ??? 값이 나오는 현상에 대한 해결책을 찾고 계신 것 같습니다.
The image shows a snippet of JSON formatted text typically associated with an HTTP response from a web server or API. Here is the content of the JSON:- A `timestamp` field with the value “2024-06-16T04:57:07.657+00:00”, which probably indicates the time when the response was generated.
- A `status` field with the value 404, which is the HTTP status code for “Not Found”.
- An `error` field with the value “Not Found”.
- A `message` field with placeholder text “??? ?? ??????. ??? ??”, which suggests that the actual error message is not included or is obscured.
- A `path` field with the value “/api/response-status-ex2”, which probably indicates the requested path that triggered the 404 error.This error message suggests that the client requested a resource at the given path that does not exist on the server.
The image shows a screenshot of a software development environment, specifically the settings panel for file encodings within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE appears to be IntelliJ IDEA, a popular IDE used for software development.On the left side of the screenshot, we see a navigation pane with various settings categories such as “Appearance & Behavior,” “Editor,” and several others. The currently selected setting category is “Editor,” with “File Encodings” highlighted, indicating that the settings being displayed on the right side pertain to file encodings.On the right side, the main panel shows options for “Global Encoding,” “Project Encoding,” and settings for “Default encoding for properties files” as well as an option to “Create UTF-8 files” with or without the Byte Order Mark (BOM). The Global Encoding is set to UTF-8, and the Project Encoding is set to the system default, which is also UTF-8. The properties default is set to ISO-8859-1.There is also a brief informational text and a partially visible table that would list configurations for specific directories or files, should any special encodings be configured – which currently, as stated in the UI, “Encodings are not configured.“This configuration is important for developers to ensure that their text files are saved and interpreted with the correct character encoding, which impacts how text characters are represented and read by the computer, and ensuring consistency across different systems and collaborators.

문제 해결을 위해서 IntelliJ IDEA에서 설정 경로인 Setting > File Encodings > Transparent native-to-ascii conversion 옵션을 체크한 후, 다시 Postman으로 확인하시면 문제가 해결될 것입니다. 문자 인코딩 문제로 발생하는 이 현상은 파일 인코딩 설정을 통해 해결할 수 있으며, UTF-8 인코딩 설정을 확인하시는 것이 좋습니다.

도움이 되었길 바랍니다. 추가적인 질문이 있으시면 도움을 드리기 위해 여기 있겠습니다.

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