쉽게 시작하는 쿠버네티스(v1.30) - {{ x86-64, arm64 }}
vagrant 설정 오류
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m-k8s-1.20: [kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed. m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: Unfortunately, an error has occurred: m-k8s-1.20: timed out waiting for the condition m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: This error is likely caused by: m-k8s-1.20: - The kubelet is not running m-k8s-1.20: - The kubelet is unhealthy due to a misconfiguration of the node in some way (required cgroups disabled) m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: If you are on a systemd-powered system, you can try to troubleshoot the error with the following commands: m-k8s-1.20: - 'systemctl status kubelet' m-k8s-1.20: - 'journalctl -xeu kubelet' m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: Additionally, a control plane component may have crashed or exited when started by the container runtime. m-k8s-1.20: To troubleshoot, list all containers using your preferred container runtimes CLI. m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: Here is one example how you may list all Kubernetes containers running in docker: m-k8s-1.20: - 'docker ps -a | grep kube | grep -v pause' m-k8s-1.20: Once you have found the failing container, you can inspect its logs with: m-k8s-1.20: - 'docker logs CONTAINERID' m-k8s-1.20: m-k8s-1.20: error execution phase wait-control-plane: couldn't initialize a Kubernetes cluster m-k8s-1.20: To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
OS : windows 10
virtualbox : 6.1
vagrant : last release