Solve everything from the basics of querydsl to practical use all at once!
What you will learn!
You can learn Querydsl from the basics to practical use all at once.
You can learn practical application know-how beyond simple functional explanations.
JPA can solve dynamic queries and complex query problems.
Say goodbye to complex and dynamic queries!
Solidify your Java backend skills with Querydsl.
🚩 This course is a roadmap course.
The latest Java backends mainly use a combination of Spring Boot, JPA, and Spring Data JPA. However, the limitation that this combination cannot solve is the problem of complex queries and dynamic queries .
In practice, we usually deal with complex queries, and in addition, we often use dynamic queries. Depending on the business domain, writing queries can be more than half of the development work. Querydsl is the technology that neatly solves these problems.
If you want to go beyond the limits,
JPA + Querydsl is not optional, it is mandatory .
Querydsl helps you to write queries as real Java code, not as text, by overcoming the limitations of the Java language. It not only neatly solves the dynamic query problem that many developers have been struggling with, but also catches all syntax errors at compile time. Although it is written in Java code, it is easy to learn because the syntax is almost the same as SQL and JPQL, and it is also easy to write complex queries.
On top of Spring Boot and JPA, adding two fantastic frameworks, Spring Data JPA and Querydsl, makes development really enjoyable. The development codes that were considered simple and repetitive until now are significantly reduced. Developers can focus on developing core business logic. And thanks to Querydsl, even writing queries can be done in Java code, which is fun. In complex practices, the combination of Spring Data JPA and Querydsl is not an option, but a must.
In this lecture, we will teach you everything about Querydsl , from the absolute basics of Querydsl to the know-how accumulated through various practical projects .
👨💻 Please note before taking the class!
Java ORM Standard JPA Programming - Basics
This is a prerequisite course for understanding JPA-based technologies.
Real-world! Spring Boot and JPA Utilization 1 - Web Application Development
Design and develop real-world web applications with Spring Boot and JPA.
Real-world! Spring Boot and JPA Utilization 2 - API Development and Performance Optimization
You can learn how to optimize JPA extreme performance.
Practice! Spring Data JPA
Learn Spring Data JPA from basics to practice.
The book is for those who want to study more in depth.
You can think of it as a reference book.
(If you do not have a book, separate materials for the lecture will be provided.)
Who is this course right for?
Anyone who wants to solve complex queries using JPA
Anyone who is working on a practical project using a combination of Spring and JPA
Need to know before starting?
Spring Data JPA
Spring Framework
전: 우아한형제들 기술이사, 카카오, SK플래닛
진짜 실무에 필요한 제대로 된 개발자가 될 수 있도록, 교육하는 것이 저의 목표입니다.
EO 인터뷰 영상
개발바닥 - 시골 청년 개발왕 되다
41 lectures ∙ (6hr 24min)
are provided.