This is a highly concentrated TypeScript grammar lecture that will make you a TypeScript grammar expert with just one lecture, even if you don't know anything about TypeScript.
What you will learn!
Experimental Decorator
Reflect Metadata
Master TypeScript in one lecture!
You can become a TS expert in no time.
To help you see if there's anything worth learning in this course, I've put together a practical example. (Shortcut) If you're already somewhat familiar with TypeScript, check out the example first!
TypeScript is a language that compiles to JavaScript. This course focuses on TypeScript itself, so it doesn't cover JavaScript at all. I have a free JavaScript course that I created, so please take that first before moving on to the TypeScript course.
JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages in modern programming, and TypeScript plays a huge role in the JavaScript ecosystem, to the point where it cannot be separated from JavaScript.
NestJS, one of the most popular JavaScript backend frameworks, uses TypeScript by default, and NextJS, one of the most popular frontend frameworks, also uses TypeScript by default. For large-scale enterprise projects, JavaScript has become something that can no longer be used without TypeScript.
TypeScript ranked as the 4th most loved language in Stack Overflow's 2022 survey, even outranking its actual compilation target, Javascript.
Many people tend to think, “If you are good at JavaScript, you don’t need to spend time learning TypeScript separately.” However, this is a very wrong idea. This is why I planned a TypeScript lecture.
Some people think that there is not much to learn about TypeScript when they first deal with simple types, but when you analyze a well-written TypeScript-based project, you will realize that there are many type declarations that are difficult to understand. If you lack knowledge about complex and advanced TypeScript declarations, you may end up overusing the any type and end up with a project that is worse than not using TypeScript. My lecture is designed to solve this problem.
If there is even one example below that you don't understand, you should definitely take this course. I guarantee that it will be one of the best things you'll ever do as a JS/TS developer. All of these examples are explained directly in the course, so if you take the course, you'll be able to fully understand them.
🔎 Check out the examples yourself.
1) Reflection
2) Inheritance with Class Decorator
3) Override Method with Method Decorator
4) Constructor Type
5) Type Predicate
6) Ternary Type
7) Key/Value Mapping
8) Exhaustive Checking
💡 This curriculum is entirely focused on TypeScript syntax. It is a highly concentrated TypeScript lecture that does not write any code that is not related to the lecture topic, such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, etc. Also, as this lecture is the first stepping stone for the upcoming NestJS and NextJS lectures, we have focused on TypeScript syntax so as not to deviate from the purpose.
Anyone who finds the code in the above examples difficult to understand?
Current JavaScript developers or those looking for the next technology/course after learning JavaScript
Anyone who wants to conquer TypeScript in one lecture
This is because you lack a deep understanding of TypeScript. If you have simply learned how to declare primitive types, you have only learned the superficial part of TypeScript. Many developers make this mistake, but through this lecture, you can learn about the complex and precise type declaration method and how TypeScript infers and recognizes types.
You don't have to worry at all. Even if you don't know JavaScript, you can take the JavaScript course that I offer for free, and then take the TypeScript course. The TypeScript course is based on the assumption that you have only taken the JavaScript course, and the difficulty level is slowly increasing so that even a complete beginner can follow along.
The popular JavaScript frameworks of today basically use TypeScript. Popular frameworks are designed to be easy to collaborate and maintain because they need to be usable at enterprise level, and TypeScript is essential. If you want to use the popular JavaScript frameworks or libraries well, you should definitely learn TypeScript through this course! In fact, I have gathered all the necessary knowledge before proceeding with the NestJS and NextJS courses that I will produce.
Learning programming theory faithfully
All the programming language courses I teach are lectures that are faithful to the theory. I think that language grammar should be faithful to the theory, beginner framework courses should be fun, and from the intermediate level, depth of knowledge is important.
That's why in this introductory TypeScript course, we've carefully organized the curriculum so that students can always come back and quickly look up any parts they don't remember.
A lecture that considers the build-up to come
When I create a lecture, I think of the pipeline and create it. Language lectures such as JavaScript and TypeScript are also planned as build-ups for NextJS and NestJS lectures. Therefore, it is also suitable for building the basics to use popular JavaScript frameworks/libraries well. Of course, it is created so that even complete beginners can follow, so there is no problem in proceeding with the lecture even if you have no knowledge of TS.
The only prerequisite knowledge is the JavaScript lecture that I distributed completely free on Infraon. Please take it first and then proceed to the TypeScript lecture.
1) Basics
Learn the basic typing of TypeScript. Get the prerequisite knowledge for advanced courses such as primitive types, basic unions, and type declarations.
2) Union, Intersection and Narrowing
We will briefly learn about unions and intersections, which are functions that allow you to combine types, and organize eight narrowing techniques that allow you to further refine types.
3) Function signature typing and type predicates
Learn how to add types to function declarations and how to express function signatures as types. Additionally, learn how to declare and use type predicates.
4) Comparing the differences between types and interfaces and merging extensions and interfaces
If you haven't learned TypeScript properly, the first thing that starts to confuse you is the difference between types and interfaces. In this section, we'll learn about the difference between types and interfaces and how to extend each.
5) Any / Unknown / Never
Learn about the special types any, unknown, and never. In particular, the differences between any and unknown are well explained, so use the appropriate type for the appropriate situation!
6) Array
This section covers the Array type declaration method. We will learn about similar-looking type declarations that can be confusing, and the Multi Dimension Array declaration method.
7) Tuple
Tuples are a special Array type that doesn't exist in JavaScript, but can be very useful in TypeScript. Learn how to force an Array to be a Tuple, and how to declare one yourself.
8) Object
Learn various ways to handle object types, one of the most important types in JavaScript, in TypeScript. In the last lecture, you will learn how to do Key Value Mapping in various ways.
9) Class
Learn about TypeScript's overall object-oriented programming knowledge, starting from class declaration.
10) Generic
Learn how to use Generics, the flower of object-oriented programming, in various forms.
11) Utility Type
Learn about utility types that can be used to more easily modify declared types. I have compiled 12 frequently used types. The lessons will continue to be updated as major types are added in the future.
12) Experimental Decorator
Learn how to use Experimental Decorators in a variety of contexts. Decorators are not yet merged into the regular TypeScript version, but they are very mature and are already actively used in various frameworks and libraries, such as NestJS, so they are a must-know knowledge.
13) Reflect Metadata
Learn how to make Experimental Decorator even more powerful by using Reflect Metadata and Experimental Decorator. The possibilities are endless when you combine these two, so get familiar with them!
14) Namespace
Learn about Namespaces, which are no longer used but can still be found in older projects.
15) ECMA Module
Learn about the different ways to import and export.
Q. Can I learn without really knowing anything?
You need to know JavaScript to follow the lectures. However, I am creating lectures so that all the prerequisite knowledge can be solved within my lecture ecosystem. My JavaScript lectures are completely free for life, so please take them first and then take this lecture.
Q. When TypeScript is updated, do you sell it as a new course?
This is my first and last TypeScript lecture. Once you purchase it, you will receive all updates for this lecture for free, and it is a lifetime course guaranteed by Inflearn.
Q. What computer specifications do I need?
Unless your computer is really old, as long as you have the latest version of the operating system, you should be fine. As long as you have Node.js, TypeScript, and VSC installed, you should be able to follow the lecture without any problems.
💾 Please check before taking the class!
I have been active on Inflearn and YouTube since the start of the Flutter lecture in 2022. I achieved the Inflearn 2022 Rookie of the Year with only the Flutter lecture, which is a relatively small ecosystem, and now I am preparing various lectures to expand the lecture pipeline toward my main technology areas, Javascript stack, DevOps, and cloud.
If you find it difficult to judge my teaching ability from Javascript lectures, check out the Flutter lecture reviews on Code Factory in Inflearn! Code Factory will always be developing and producing good lectures.
I am a 17-year developer. I recommend this course to those who are new to Flutter, and it is also very useful for practical projects. There is no better course than this. This is the real deal. It is a course that is so neatly explained that I feel like I am paying a lot for it, and it is a course that has helped me a lot.
This is a lecture that is really close to perfection. I bought almost all the books to study Flutter, and I also looked at a lot of online clone coding. I also listened to lectures on other platforms that explained Flutter step by step. But this is the most useful. It is the most practical and cost-effective. I sincerely advise you to learn this first and fill in the gaps.
Among all the lectures, I think Code Factory's lecture is the best of the best. Most of the other lectures I've seen tend to neglect or skip over certain parts, so as a learner, I often miss the connection and feel regretful, but Code Factory's lecture is not like that. Once you listen to it, you won't regret it. Rather than regretting it, I think you'll be satisfied and become a true fan like me.
I think this is one of the best lectures on Flutter among all platforms, YouTube, and offline lectures worldwide. I am so glad that I can take this lecture because Korean is my native language. I think there is no other lecture that is as good as this one, where practical and technical parts are balanced, and where you can properly understand the concepts one by one and go through the steps.
1) If there is any TypeScript grammar-related content that you would like to see added to the course, please feel free to recommend it. My TypeScript course ends with this one course, and any additional content will be added to this course. So, with one purchase, you will receive all future updates.
2) I regularly do live broadcasts on YouTube . I receive all types of development concerns and questions, and I try to allocate time to answer immediately if you have difficulties while conducting the lecture. Don't be stressed out by an instructor who can't communicate anymore!
3) After purchasing the course, you can enter the paid Discord community by authenticating your Infraon email. Also, please actively utilize the Code Factory official Kakao channel, which is very active!
4) No matter what programming technique you learn, setting up the environment is one of the elements that students find very difficult. Of course, trying to solve it yourself is a very important element to become a good developer, but if you absolutely cannot do it, please do not delay and use me. Come to our Kakao channel, tell us about the lecture, and then apply remotely. After coordinating the time, I will personally take care of all the environment settings! Don't give up before you even start!
Go to Code Factory integrated link
Who is this course right for?
People who want to learn TypeScript in depth
Anyone learning JavaScript and looking for the next course
People who have trouble reading TS definitions of libraries/frameworks
The person we want to do best in TS in our company
Need to know before starting?
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77 lectures ∙ (8hr 10min)