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CANoe - CAPL and Panel Basic Usage Guide by a Practitioner

CANoe from Vector, a tool widely used in automobile companies. Let's use it more efficiently in our work by utilizing CAPL and Panel.

(4.9) 23 reviews

422 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Basic usage of CAPL, the programming language for operating CANoe

  • Basic usage of CANoe Panel, a graphical interface that users can add to CANoe

CANoe, a core tool for vehicle network operations
More powerful with CAPL + Panel 🚗

A must-have for newcomers to the automotive industry
Basic usage of CAPL and Panel

CANoe is a must-know tool for anyone working on vehicle networks (CAN communication) at automobile companies, automobile parts companies, and research labs. That means many companies are using CANoe.

  • CAPL , the programming language that operates this Canoe
  • Panel , a graphical interface (GUI) that users can freely add as needed

👉 These will allow you to use CANoe much more efficiently in a variety of work situations.

However, there is no opportunity for new employees in the industry to receive training on CAPL and Panel .
First of all, the tool itself costs well over 10 million won, so the company does not have enough tools, and it is difficult to even obtain an environment where one can study on one’s own. External training is too expensive.

The same goes for seniors and subordinates. Especially these days, when rolling recruitment is the norm, it is impossible to teach each and every new employee how to use the product or send them to external training.
In the end, there are many cases where problems that can be easily and efficiently solved using CAPL or Panel are solved through hard work(?) using only CANoe.

So in this lecture, I will show you how new professionals in the automotive industry can use CANoe more efficiently using CAPL and Panel.
I hope this helps new and upcoming job seekers in the automotive industry!

🚩 Player Learning Process

To take this course, you need basic knowledge of CAN communication and CANoe. We recommend that you study the following lectures first before taking this course.

CAN communication message measurement and
Make simulations more effective.

Using CAPL and Panel, you can efficiently verify various functions related to CAN communication .

  • ✅ Check the transmission cycle of various messages
  • ✅ Log messages only when the value of a specific signal changes
  • ✅ Observe and record when the value of a specific signal changes or when a specific message is received.
  • ✅ Automatically sets Message Counter, CRC, etc. to E2E specifications and sends messages
  • ✅ Verify the Message Counter, CRC, etc. of the received message according to the E2E specification.
  • ✅ Generate MAC according to customer requirements to send messages or verify received MAC values

👉 Covers the content needed by new automotive company employees who are using CANoe to measure and simulate CAN communication messages.

Learning content
Check it out.

1️⃣ How to generate and run CAPL code

2️⃣ Introduction to various CAPL functions and events

3️⃣ How to create and use a panel, introduction to panel items

📢 Things to note before taking the class

  • The lecture was conducted using Canoe v15.2 in a Windows 10 environment.
  • There is a part where I actually demonstrate what I explained, but there is no separate hands-on course for students. (CANoe is an expensive tool that costs more than 10 million won, so it is difficult to practice on your own unless you are currently working.)
  • Presentation materials used in the lecture are provided in PDF format.
  • CAPL is a language that has many similarities to the C language, and this lecture also assumes that you have basic knowledge of the C language . (Please refer to the Section 0 [Lecture Introduction] video to see the level of C language knowledge required to take the lecture.)
  • The possibilities for using programming languages are endless, depending on how the user uses them, but the purpose of this lecture is to explain the basic concepts and usage of CAPL and Panel. It is up to the students to utilize them.

In this lecture
Knowledge sharer is 🎓

John Bermania

  • Many years of experience in developing embedded MCU SW for major domestic companies
  • Experience in producing various educational materials and videos for new team members and conducting seminars
  • Conducting mentoring lectures on vehicle SW for job seekers & operating an automobile technology blog

“I created this lecture with the intention of teaching it to my rookie self.”

I have quite a bit of experience lecturing to job seekers on similar topics. I am confident in making them understand concretely, without making them think of it as abstract or far-fetched. I lecture with the mindset of handing over the knowledge to new employees at the company.

When you take a class in college, the textbook is several hundred pages thick. If you read the book from beginning to end without anyone explaining it, it will be really hard to study. That's why we listen to lectures, and we learn the core content through lectures. After learning the core content, whenever you need something, you can look through the book and find what you need. I think you can understand my lectures in that way.

As I entered the automobile industry, I have conducted job training sessions several times, and the company has also been consistently creating various manuals and video lectures for new employee training. I created this lecture with the intention of informing my past self who had a hard time as a new employee, so I hope it will be helpful to many people. 😊

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • New recruits in the automotive controller development industry (design positions, evaluation positions, etc.)

  • New employee working with Canoe

Need to know before starting?

  • C language (very basic level)

  • CAN communication

  • How to use the basic Vector Canoe tool

This is newbiewayne











안녕하세요 저는 자동차업계에서 MCU SW 개발 업무를 하고 있습니다.

학교 다니던 시절 임베디드 쪽에는 전혀 관심이 없었는데 회사에서 MCU SW 업무를 맡게되면서

많은 어려움을 겪었습니다.

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신입사원 때  고생하던 과거의 저 자신에게 알려준다는 마음으로 강의합니다.




33 lectures ∙ (4hr 26min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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