You will learn the core principles and advanced technologies of Spring in depth and be able to use Spring confidently.
What you will learn!
Core Design Patterns
Spring Advanced Features
Spring AOP
Core design patterns, thread local, Spring AOP
Understanding 3 Core Advanced Concepts of Spring
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Spring Core Principles - Basics
Spring Core Principles - Advanced Current Lecture
To become a skilled developer, you need to have a deep understanding of the tools you frequently use in your work.
Spring is the most widely used backend technology in practice.
Therefore, it is important for backend developers to have a deep understanding of Spring.
We learned the basics of Spring and object-oriented development in Spring Core Principles - Fundamentals .
To deeply understand Spring and become a capable developer in practice, you need to learn three key advanced concepts based on what you learned in the basics. In this Spring Core Principles - Advanced, you will learn these advanced concepts.
1. Spring Core Design Patterns
2. Thread locals to deal with concurrency issues
3. Spring AOP
1. Spring Core Design Patterns
Spring's internal technologies are built around several core design patterns. Therefore, in order to understand Spring in depth, you must first learn the core design patterns that Spring frequently uses.
Core design patterns taught in lectures
In this lecture, we will explain these design patterns very easily by creating example codes one by one. And we will also learn how to apply the design patterns learned in this way to applications.
2. Thread local
Spring is mainly used for developing web applications. Web applications use multi-threading to handle multiple requests at the same time. Therefore, concurrency issues can occur where multiple threads compete.
Concurrency issues and thread local content covered in the lecture
In this lecture, you will learn about concurrency issues that occur when using Spring, and also learn about the concept of thread locals that can conveniently solve concurrency issues.
Thread locals are an essential concept to understand how Spring works well in a multithreaded environment without concurrency issues.
3. Spring AOP
Spring AOP is a very useful technology that is used a lot in practice and feels like magic. Many developers use Spring AOP, but not many developers understand and use the principles of how Spring AOP works.
Beyond simply knowing and using the features of Spring AOP, you need to deeply understand the operating principles of Spring AOP to be able to solve fundamental problems when failures occur.
Spring AOP content delivered in lecture
In this lecture, we will go beyond a simple summary of Spring AOP's functions and cover everything about Spring AOP, from its operating principles to practical examples and precautions that frequently arise in practice.
Additionally, we will also provide you with advanced techniques for developing Spring containers, such as bean postprocessing, and various practical tips for developing Spring applications.
As this is an advanced course, the content covered in this lecture is not easy.
However , if you want to become a skilled backend developer, this is something you must study at least once .
If you follow this lecture to the end without giving up, you will experience a tremendous increase in your skills as a developer and be able to use Spring more confidently than anyone else.
Since this is a difficult subject, I have thoroughly prepared the lecture. I will help you complete this content on your own.
Spring deeper
I want to know…
Advanced concepts of Spring
Improve your skills by learning
Anyone who wants to grow more
Spring AOP
I do use it though…
How Spring AOP works
The principle is precise
Anyone who wants to understand
Spring to Code
I want to understand …
Through design patterns
Spring's internal technology
Anyone who wants to understand
Web App with Spring
I'm thinking of making it …
Via thread locals
Spring concurrency issues
Anyone who wants to understand
We are preparing a series that will allow you to completely master Spring. We will teach you practical know-how, focusing on core Spring functions used in actual practice, boldly omitting functions that are not used in practice or are outdated.
Kim Young-han's Spring Complete Conquest Series
Spring Core Principles~Practical Applications This lecture includes
Complete mastery of Spring Boot + JPA practices
The latest practical backend technology with internal strength
Who is this course right for?
Developers who want to understand Spring in depth
Developers who want to easily understand Spring through code
Developer job seeker
A developer who studied Spring but gave up because it was difficult
Developers who use Spring in practice but want to properly understand and use the core principles of Spring
Need to know before starting?
Java language
Spring Core Principles - Basics
전: 우아한형제들 기술이사, 카카오, SK플래닛
진짜 실무에 필요한 제대로 된 개발자가 될 수 있도록, 교육하는 것이 저의 목표입니다.
EO 인터뷰 영상
개발바닥 - 시골 청년 개발왕 되다
125 lectures ∙ (16hr 44min)
are provided.