Google's Excel, Google Spreadsheet! Learn how to use and reference functions in Google Spreadsheet. After taking the course, you will be able to skillfully conduct data analysis with Google Spreadsheet.
Data analysis using functions and references
Various visualization techniques for each purpose
Ability to import, preprocess, and manage external data
The ability to easily analyze data with pivot tables
From data analysis to collaboration to pivot tables.
Learn how to use spreadsheets 🗂️
💎 Please check before taking the class!
Google Drive is used for similar purposes as Excel, but it has the advantage of being a free tool. Anyone in the office can use all the essential functions of Excel, such as the Vlookup function, chart creation, and pivot tables.
We start with how to freely manipulate data through functions, references, and conditional calculations. After that, you can learn data visualization techniques that are as powerful as existing Excel through practical examples. We will also teach you how to work safely with various sharing settings and permissions for another task in Google Spreadsheets, the collaboration function.
With Google Spreadsheets
Anyone who wants to do full-scale data analysis
With free business tools
For those who want to increase productivity
Starting a business, joining a company, changing jobs, etc.
💡 You can acquire these capabilities.
1. Using functions and references
Performing a sensitivity analysis
2. With LOOKUP data
Create a drop-down menu to view everything at once
3. Create a chart
4. With Pivot Table
Analysis and visualization in one!
Q. Do I need to know how to use Excel pivot tables or references to take this course?
It's okay if you don't know anything. This course is designed for students who are willing to learn Google Spreadsheets, not students who already have Excel knowledge.
Q. Can I take the course even if I don't know anything about Google Spreadsheets?
Basically, it consists of functions similar to Excel, so if you are proficient in Excel, it may not be difficult to take the course, but if you take the 'Google Spreadsheet Practical Introduction' course at Maso Campus, you will be able to take the course with less difficulty, so we recommend taking that course first.
Q. Are there any requirements or prerequisites for taking the course?
Since this is a hands-on lecture, it would be a good idea to prepare a dual monitor or extra device that can separate the lecture screen and the hands-on screen. Also, since the hands-on training will be conducted based on Windows OS, we recommend taking the lecture in a Windows environment.
Who is this course right for?
People who dream of starting a business/joining a company/changing jobs/re-skilling/talent transformation
For those who want to perform full-scale data analysis using Google Spreadsheets
For those who want to create an efficient insight sharing environment with appropriate visualization
For those who want to increase productivity with free business tools
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16 lectures ∙ (7hr 0min)
Course Materials: