인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고

(English) Build a First-person View 3D Website with Three.js

In this lesson, you'll create a first-person 3D website that works on both desktop and mobile.


초급자를 위해 준비한
[프론트엔드, Three.js] 강의입니다.

이런 걸 배울 수 있어요

  • Three.js core concepts

  • Mechanisms for implementing first-person 3D web pages

이 강의는 영어로 진행됩니다. 한국어 강의는 https://inf.run/VjKwJ 에서 수강하실 수 있습니다.

This course teaches you how to create a 3D webpage from a first-person perspective.
(Think of the actions in a game like Mine*raft
😊 )

Many of you have been asking me on my website https://studiomeal.com , "How do I make something like this?" So I created a class that implements core movements. It's a class that focuses only on creating 3D space and implementing movements, without any unnecessary details !

Turn your head,

Click on an object to make it move

Create a world where physics applies!

works well on mobile too

🐣 I'm new to Three.js, can I start this course right away?

Although this course focuses on implementing 3D space, it also summarizes the core basics in the first section so that even those who are new to Three.js can understand it. If you only understand the basics of JavaScript, you will have no trouble taking the course. You can estimate the difficulty of the course through the free sample lecture. If you want to build more basic skills about Three.js, I recommend taking another course, "3D Interactive Web with Three.js" !

Animations to help you understand the implementation of the behavior

Things to note before taking the class

Learning Materials

  • We provide both the start and finished versions of all codes so that you can follow along and write the code yourself. If you have trouble progressing with the code you wrote yourself in the middle, you can download the source code for that chapter and study from that part.

  • You can use the source code provided in the lecture for your projects.

  • It is not permitted to directly disclose the source code provided in the lecture or to create educational materials.

Player Knowledge and Notes

  • You need to have a basic understanding of JavaScript to be able to take the class smoothly. Although this is not a JavaScript class, I will explain JavaScript concepts that appear here and there, so you won't have much difficulty.

이런 분들께

학습 대상은

  • Who wants to create their own 3D space

  • Those who have studied Three.js but have difficulty applying it

선수 지식,

  • JavaScript basics









강의 평점



서울에서 웹 개발자/디자이너로 일했고, 제주를 거쳐.. 현재는 말레이시아 페낭에서 열심히 개발도 하고, 교육 콘텐츠도 만들고, 1인 기업으로서 해볼 수 있는 여러가지 시도와 실험들을 해보고 있습니다.
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비주얼 임팩트가 있는 인터랙티브 웹에 관심이 많고, 유튜브와 페이스북 "1분코딩"에서 웹 개발 관련 기술들을 공유하고 있어요.




43개 ∙ (3시간 48분)

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