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# ! conda install -c conda-forge xmltodict # # xmltodict는 XML 파일을 parsing하여 Dictionary와 list 형태로 반환해줌. import xmltodict import os import random VOC_ROOT_DIR = "../../data/voc/VOCdevkit/VOC2012" ANNO_DIR = os.path.join(VOC_ROOT_DIR, "Annotations") JPEG_DIR = os.path.join(VOC_ROOT_DIR, "JPEGImages") xml_files = os.listdir(ANNO_DIR) print(xml_files[:5]); print(len(xml_files)) ## xmltodict.parse()를 이용하여 xml 파일을 Dictionary와 list형태로 변환 sample_xml = os.path.join(ANNO_DIR, '2007_000032.xml') print('sample xml file : ', sample_xml) with open(sample_xml, 'rb') as f: # notice the "rb" mode parsed_dict = xmltodict.parse(f, xml_attribs = True) parsed_dict #### Annotation 내의 Object들의 bounding box 정보를 이용하여 Bounding box 시각화 lmg_filename = parsed_dict['annotation']['filename'] lmg_filename = os.path.join(JPEG_DIR, lmg_filename) print(lmg_filename) lmg = cv2.imread(lmg_filename) lmg_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(lmg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) lmg_rgb_copy = img_rgb.copy() green_rgb = (125,255,51) for obj in parsed_dict['annotation']['object']: class_name = obj['name'] bndbox = obj['bndbox'] left = int(bndbox['xmin']) top = int(bndbox['ymin']) right = int(bndbox['xmax']) bottom = int(bndbox['ymax']) cv2.rectangle(lmg_rgb_copy, (left, top), (right, bottom), color=green_rgb, thickness=2) plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) plt.imshow(lmg_rgb_copy) plt.show() ------------- 이 부분을 말씀하시는 것 같습니다. 7:00 ~
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