파란 버튼을 이용해서 플러터 SDK를 다운로드 받았는데 flutter doctor을 실행해보니
Flutter (the doctor check crashed)
X Due to an error, the doctor check did not complete. If the error message below is not helpful, please let us know
about this issue at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues.
X Exception: Cannot find the executable for where
. This can happen if the System32 folder (e.g.
C:\Windows\System32 ) is removed from the PATH environment variable. Ensure that this is present and then try
again after restarting the terminal and/or IDE.
라는 오류가 뜹니다. 이건 어떻게 해결해야 하는건가요?
그리고 또 안드로이드 스튜디오에선 [!] Android Studio (version 2022.1)
X Unable to find bundled Java version.
라는 오류가 뜨는데 해결을 어떻게 해야하나요?