Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Advanced Part 2, I/O, Network, Reflection
Learn I/O, network, reflection, and annotation in depth from the basics to the practical level. Create a web application server (WAS) directly in Java.
Java, Network, oop
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Advanced Part 2, I/O, Network, Reflection
Learn I/O, network, reflection, and annotation in depth from the basics to the practical level. Create a web application server (WAS) directly in Java.
Java, Network, oop
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Advanced Part 1, Multithreading and Concurrency
Learn multithreading and concurrency in depth, from basics to practical levels.
Java, oop, thread
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 2
Learn Java generics and collection framework in depth with a focus on practical use. You will also learn the basics of data structures.
Java, oop, Algorithm
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 1
Learn in depth various intermediate Java functions required for practical work through example code.
Java, oop
[300,000 Students Commemoration] 1/31 Kim Young-han Online Meetup Live
This is a video of the meetup that took place at 7pm on January 31st.
Self Improvement, Communication
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Basics
Easily learn the core concepts of Java object-oriented programming required for practical use through example code.
Java, oop
Kim Young-han's Java Introduction - Java's first steps starting with code
This is a Java course for beginners in programming. You can learn Java easily by following the code.
Java, oop
Spring Boot - Core Principles and Usage
All the Spring Boot you need for practical work will be covered in this one lecture.
Spring Boot, Spring, spring-boot-actuator
Spring DB Part 2 - Data Access Utilization Technology
You can utilize and complete the DB data access technology required for backend development. You can understand the principles and structure of Spring DB access technology and grow into a more in-depth backend developer.
Spring, MVC, spring-jpa
Spring DB Part 1 - Core Principles of Data Access
You can understand and perfect the basics of DB data access technology required for backend development. You can understand the principles and structure of Spring DB access technology and grow into a more in-depth backend developer.
Spring, MVC, spring-jdbc
Spring Core Principles - Advanced
You will learn the core principles and advanced technologies of Spring in depth and be able to use Spring confidently.
Spring, Design Pattern
Spring MVC Part 2 - Backend Web Development Utilization Technology
You can understand and master all the web technologies required for web application development from the basics. In Part 2 of MVC, you can learn all the utilization technologies required for practical web development on top of the core principles and structure of Part 1 of MVC.
MVC, Spring