인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Webpack for Frontend Developers

A Webpack class chosen by 1,000 people! This class has been renewed to match the new version of Webpack. Learn Webpack more easily with a focus on practice :)

(4.9) 330 reviews

3,734 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Front-End

  • Webpack

  • NPM

  • Frontend Build System

  • ES6 Import and Export Syntax

In the increasingly complex front-end development ecosystem,
Learn NPM and Webpack quickly ✨

The core of the front-end build system,
NPM and Webpack ✌

You need to know NPM and Webpack, which are said to be the most difficult for practitioners and beginners, to be able to build a project on your own. Learn the two essential concepts for building a modern front-end development project quickly and easily.

More and more companies are using the latest front-end frameworks, and at the center of this are front-end build systems using NPM and Webpack. Many companies are looking for developers who can accurately understand these build systems and build them themselves, so this course will help you become a differentiated front-end developer.

Unique features of this course ✏️

  • We provide a coursebook created as a website so you can learn and practice NPM and Webpack from anywhere .
    (The lecture notes are made in PWA, so you can view them conveniently on your mobile device after installing them.)

  • We made the theoretical explanations short and the practical exercises simple yet detailed so that both practitioners who are pressed for time at work and those who are new to webpack can be satisfied.

Tools covered in the lecture 🔨

  1. VSCode
  2. Node.js LTS version (v10 or later)
  3. NPM
  4. Git

In class, we will use VSCode, but you can use your preferred development tool.

Expected QnA

Q. I don't know a single term like build system, modules, bundling, etc. Can I listen to it?

Bundling is the process of combining multiple files into one, and the build system is the system that converts the application I created into a form that can be distributed to users. I will explain the terms that may be difficult for non-specialists and beginners in a friendly manner, so don't worry and listen comfortably.
If you have any questions or concerns about something you don't understand, please post them on the Q&A board and we will provide you with detailed and friendly answers :)

Q. Are there any special advantages to this course?

This lecture is a course where you can understand the theory you learned by explaining the theory as simply as possible and practicing it right away. Rather than a long explanation, I will quickly convey knowledge through short and concise explanations, and then learn the concepts accurately through practice. Shall we start right now?

Q. Is there a reason why you started this course?

I have been teaching offline webpack courses for 3 years. This course is a new course that was created based on feedback from over 500 offline students and from a beginner's perspective. I will help you configure webpack and make frontend build systems no longer difficult!

Associated Roadmap 🚎

Front-end developer roadmap completed with Vue.js
Captain Pangyo's easy-to-handle and productive Vue.js
This is a roadmap designed to help you take on the challenge of practical web development.
Included in this course

Introducing the knowledge sharer 👨‍🏫

Jang Gi-Hyo (Captain Pangyo)

Interview with "People Met by Inflearn"

“Vue.js open source + with lecture revenue
Support Life Coding 😁”

We offer lecture discounts!

Series "Frontend Completed with Vue.js
Developer Roadmap" 25% off (click)

Middle and high school students with no income,
50% off for college students (click)

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Developers who don't know what NPM is but need to use a front-end framework

  • Front-end development beginner

  • publisher

  • Junior Frontend Developer

  • Front-end developers who have not tried Webpack

  • Anyone curious about the frontend build system

Need to know before starting?

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

This is











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64 lectures ∙ (3hr 27min)

Last updated: 


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