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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Devops & Infra

Easy to Get Started with Kubernetes (v1.30) - {{ x86-64, arm64 }}

This course covers the essentials for getting started with Kubernetes (☸). 🧭 This course will help you understand the structure of Kubernetes and get started with it in the easiest way. 🥇

(4.8) 228 reviews

3,686 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • You can see why Kubernetes behaves the way it does.

  • You can see the difference between control plane nodes and worker nodes.

  • You can understand the basic objects of Kubernetes.

  • You can get a general understanding of microservice architecture.

  • You can have your own Kubernetes environment anytime, anywhere, with no time or cost restrictions.

  • You can learn the components that make up the solid skeleton of Kubernetes.

  • How to upgrade Kubernetes version

  • How to use Ensemble to make Kubernetes versions more efficient

First steps on your Kubernetes journey! 🚢
Lay the foundation for becoming a growing developer/engineer.

The easiest
Kubernetes Guide

📢 Hands-on update to Kubernetes v1.30!

  • On June 16, 2024, the Kubernetes labs were updated to match v1.30.
  • Accordingly, each ch2 was changed to a form commonly used in all lectures, and the subsequent lectures were given a number to differentiate them by one level. (Example: ch3 changed to ch4, reinforcement changed to A)
  • Also changed the base operating system from CentOS 7 to Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Additional footage shot for the v1.30 update is 7.1 and 7.2.
  • The existing reinforcement is saved in A, and after v1.30, it will proceed to B.
  • 🎉 Now officially supporting Mac Silicon (M Series, arm64). Check out the preview video 😄

📢 Hands-on update to Kubernetes v1.25!
  • On September 18, 2022, the Kubernetes Labs were updated to support v1.25.
  • Accordingly, the images for 4.2, 4.3, and 6.2 have been modified.
  • Aside from that, the practice itself remains unchanged!

This lecture is designed to help you easily get started with Kubernetes by organizing the parts that are difficult to get started with Kubernetes. Therefore, for a better learning effect, all contents are explained with pictures and practical exercises as much as possible.

Pod Deployment Life Cycle

That is, the purpose is to understand Kubernetes itself without looking at the code, and thereby get started with Kubernetes properly.

💡 Things to know before registering for a class

  • The current lecture is designed to draw a big picture of the platform called Kubernetes, and since it does not cover code , it is difficult to learn about Kubernetes in detail . Accordingly, the lecture targets PMs, planners, some managers, and those who want to approach Kubernetes after drawing a big picture .
  • A more in-depth lecture, including handling code, is covered in the next lecture, Learning Kubernetes with Pictures. To check the current lecture style in advance, a preview is available for free.

    2.4. Building a Kubernetes environment with Vagrant + VMware Fusion (Non-commercial, arm64 users) - v1.30

    I recommend that you watch the class first.
  • If you feel that the above content is sufficient and that the current lecture list will be helpful, I recommend that you proceed with the lecture.


Why Kubernetes ?

Kubernetes is becoming an inevitable trend in modern IT.
Not only the major 3 companies (AWS, Azure, GCP), but almost all IT vendors are releasing solutions related to Kubernetes, so it is emerging as a basic technology for all IT. Therefore, I hope that you will be able to access Kubernetes as soon as possible and use it to grow as a developer/engineer.

조훈, 쉽게 시작하는 쿠버네티스 Google Kubernetes Engine

As an example, CloudFlare, famous for its CDN and address, is used internally by engineers configuring a Kubernetes environment and developers requesting and using it. The base architecture of a famous domestic portal IT company is also composed of Kubernetes.

Kubectl from Cloudflare

Even VMware, a famous virtualization company, has released Tanzu, which is based on Kubernetes, indicating that the market has already shifted to a Kubernetes environment.

Why not start learning Kubernetes right now?

Features of this course

  • You can listen without knowing the code .
  • You can understand the overall flow of Kubernetes.
  • You can have your own Kubernetes test environment .
  • Lets you get started with Kubernetes .
  • This is the only course that automatically configures and runs a Kubernetes cluster (1 control plane node, 3 worker nodes), and provides images for cases where automatic configuration is difficult.

📖 We provide OVA (Open Virtualization Archive) and Qcow2 (QEMU copy on write) image files.

I've seen many people around me trying to get started with Kubernetes but having a very hard time grasping the concepts.
This is because there are many unique aspects conceptually, and the basic things that need to be known are also widely spread. Therefore, this lecture is a reflection of the concerns of 'How can I explain this part easily?' and 'How can I solve the basic parts of studying Kubernetes?'

In many places during that time
Kubernetes related activities
We have been proceeding with it.

Load balancer on-premise too? (w/ MetalLb)
Kubernetes Korea User Group Announcement Video
Comparison of Porter and MetalLB
(Open Infrastructure Day Announcement)
Demonstration of automated Kubernetes deployment with multi-control plane architecture via kubespray

Architectural Description of Docker Depracated (See slides)

Expected Questions Q&A

Q. I don't know what Kubernetes is, but will I regret learning about it?

That's a very good question. I prepared it just for those people. I've handled it with a script that requires almost no prior knowledge. I worked hard to make it a lecture to get you started.

Q. Do I really need to know Kubernetes?

What a great series of questions... Yes, if you are retiring in 3-5 years, or are self-employed by then, you may not need it, but Kubernetes will become an essential element that almost everyone in IT (especially planning...) must know. It will be similar to where Linux is now.

Q. Can I learn everything about Kubernetes just by taking this course?

Let me be honest... It is impossible to teach everything about Kubernetes in a few dozen hours of online/offline lectures. Kubernetes is a technology that requires a lot of individual study because all the elements in modern IT are continuously being integrated. It is impossible to learn everything and say that you know everything in a short period of time. It is also a technology that changes very quickly and requires a very different direction for each element that is needed.

But the important thing is...
There are some things you absolutely need to know when getting started with Kubernetes, and I think this lecture will help you get started with Kubernetes correctly by covering those things.

Used in lectures
Program and version & lecture source address

Version 💾

  • Kubernetes - 1.30.0
  • Containerd - 1.16.31
  • MetalLB - 0.12.1


Infrastructure Configuration Tools 🏗️

Terminal Access Tool 🚀

Lecture Source

Please check the notes!

  • We are doing our best to provide students with a pleasant hands-on experience, but please understand that we may not be able to help with Vagrant-related errors that occur depending on individual environments .
  • (x86-64) For those who are having trouble with the hands-on training due to Vagrant -related errors, we provide an OVA image . (Download address provided at the bottom of lecture 2.3)
  • (arm64) We provide Qcow2 image so that you can configure it in a limited way through image even in environment. (Download address provided at the bottom of lecture 2.5)
  • We provide Q&A, but the course fee does not include Q&A. However, if you are unable to practice or if there is any incorrect information, please let us know and we will take action as quickly as possible.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those of you using Kubernetes in the cloud and curious about what's inside

  • Anyone who needs to understand the structure of on-premise Kubernetes (e.g. OpenShift)

  • For those who want to experience Kubernetes without knowing the code

  • For those who really want to get started with Kubernetes

  • For those who need their own Kubernetes test environment without the cost burden

Need to know before starting?

  • Basic Linux commands (e.g. cd, ls, cat, etc.)

  • Basics for networking (e.g. and can communicate)

This is











CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native Engineer



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    시스템/네트워크 IT 벤더의 경험 이후, 메가존 GCP 클라우드 팀에서 쿠버네티스와 연관된 모든 프로젝트에 대한 Tech Advisor 및 Container Architecture Design을 제공하고 있습니다. 그 외에 페이스북 ‘IT 인프라 엔지니어 그룹’의 운영진을 맡고 있으며, 오픈 소스 컨트리뷰터로도 활동하고 있습니다. 

    그 외에 가지고 있는 지식을 공유하는 것을 좋아하여, 인프런/유데미에서 앤서블 및 쿠버네티스에 관한 강의를 기재하고 있으며, 또한 아는 지식을 문서로 남겨야 한다고 생각하기에 책( 『
    시스템/네트워크 관리자를 위한 파이썬 실무 프로그래밍』, 『우아하게 앤서블』), 『컨테이너 인프라 환경 구축을 위한 쿠버네티스/도커』(길벗) 이 있고, IT 잡지에 기고문을 쓰는 활동도 함께하고 있습니다. 그리고 CNCF의 앰버서더Kubestronaut 로서 쿠버네티스 및 그에 연관된 다양한 프로젝트 생태계가 더 활발하게 퍼질 수 있도록 기여하고 있습니다. 



56 lectures ∙ (10hr 25min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
  • 1.1. What is Kubernetes?


Last updated: 


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