This one course will give you the basics to learn popular Javascript frameworks and Typescript.
What you will learn!
Buildup for Typescript lecture
Master JavaScript Grammar,
You can do it for free in 9 hours! ✨
This lecture is a lecture that completely conquers Javascript grammar. It was not made carelessly because it is a free lecture. It is a build-up to my Typescript lecture and lectures on popular Javascript frameworks such as NestJS and NextJS, so I made it with the same effort and process as when I make paid lectures.
Step by step, from setting up the environment to asynchronous programming!
A thorough understanding of how the JavaScript language and engine work!
Build up for leveraging the JavaScript platform!
1) Javascript grammar basics
Learn the basics of Javascript syntax. Learn about the fundamental elements of the Javascript language, such as variable declarations, function declarations, various groups, and if statements.
2) Object-oriented programming using classes
3) Everything about objects
Learn about objects, one of the most used and important types in Javascript. It covers many important concepts such as prototype and property attributes.
4) Asynchronous programming
Learn about callbacks, promises, and async/await.
I have been active on Inflearn and YouTube since the start of the Flutter lecture in 2022. I achieved Inflearn 2022 Rookie of the Year by selling only Flutter lectures, which is a relatively small ecosystem, and now I am preparing various lectures to expand my lecture pipeline toward Javascript stack, DevOps, and cloud, which are my main technology areas. If you find it difficult to judge my teaching ability with Javascript lectures, check out the reviews of my Flutter lectures on Inflearn! We will always be a code factory that develops and produces good lectures.
I am a developer with 17 years of experience. I recommend this course to those who are new to Flutter, and it is also very useful for practical projects . There is no better course than this. In my case, I studied for about 3 years with books, YouTube, and other instructors' lectures, but this is the real deal.
Those who have some basic knowledge about Flutter can start from the last part, the fine dust app. It is explained so clearly that the tuition fee is not a waste, and it feels like the basic knowledge and development tools required as a developer are satisfied . I am a developer who is 17 years old and still lacks a lot, but this lecture is really helpful. I am looking forward to the sequel. Please don't rush it and keep the quality as it is now^^
- ja***
You don't have to go to the academy and suffer in this hot weather. They answer questions quickly and they say they will continuously update the lectures, so buy with confidence!
Of course, non-majors will like it, but those who are changing fields like me! I used to work in firmware, so I have some knowledge and I understand it very well. It is a lecture that is worth the money . I look forward to the next lecture.
- SM***
The lecture delivery is excellent and the explanation is without unnecessary details. It feels like Flutter is being absorbed just by opening the mouth. Code Factory Is he a newbie??
- affection***
Q. Can I take the course even if I don't know anything?
Yes. We will teach you the most basic concepts step by step so that you can take the course even if you don't know anything.
[Introduction] Dart Language
Complete conquest in 4 hours
[Beginner] Flutter 3.0 App Development
- Escape from beginner level with 10 projects!
[Intermediate] Flutter in real practice!
Essential Skills to Become a Master
Who is this course right for?
Students who do not know anything about Javascript but want to build a solid foundation
Students who want to learn Javascript in depth in one lecture
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🏆 <<Must Have 코드팩토리의 플러터 프로그래밍>> 서적 2023 상반기 교보문고 컴퓨터/IT 부문 베스트셀러 23위
🏆 AWS Certified Developer Associate
🏆 AWS Certified Solutions Architect
38 lectures ∙ (8hr 39min)
Setting up
Hello World
Comment (comment)
Declaring a variable
Object (object)
Error Handling
Class Basics
Getter and Setter
Super Keyword