Beginners to Spring can quickly learn the entire Spring web application development process by creating examples.
What you will learn!
You can understand Spring naturally while creating examples.
You can learn naturally by creating examples of how to study Spring.
You can learn how to build web applications with Spring.
Your first guide to learning Spring! We'll help you not get lost in your development studies.
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This lecture is the first lecture in the Java Spring Complete Conquest series . Please check the Spring Complete Conquest roadmap by Younghan Kim, the youngest technical director of Woowa Brothers.
• Roadmap link: (click to go there)
Many developers start studying Spring because they need it for employment or work. However, when you actually start studying, Spring is so huge that you don't know where to start and how to learn it. It feels like a sailboat that's lost in the middle of a large pond and floating alone.
So far, I have seen many developers who have lost their way and given up while trying to learn Spring. This is because they start from the very theoretical content such as IoC (Inversion of Control), DI (Dependency Injection), and AOP.
Why should we study Spring? This is the fundamental question first. We need to learn Spring in order to develop web applications that work properly in practice .
Developers learn the fastest when they code and create working applications. You may have fallen asleep while reading a book or listening to a lecture, but you probably never fell asleep while coding.
This tutorial will walk you through the steps to quickly create a simple, working web application:
The main goal of this lecture is to help you get a general feel for Spring development and draw the big picture in your head by writing code yourself and running it to see what technologies are used and how they are used when developing web applications .
First, let's go through the core cycle of creating a Spring web application with the easiest example. Then, the big picture will be drawn naturally, and you will see which parts you need to study in depth in the future. Afterwards, if you study the core theories of Spring, you will be able to properly understand where and how these technologies are used in the big context.
The youngest technical director of the Elegant Brothers will reflect the latest development trends, boldly remove content that is not used in practice, and properly teach you Spring, which is essential for actual practical development.
We are preparing a series that will allow you to completely master Spring. We will teach you practical know-how, focusing on core Spring functions used in actual practice, boldly omitting functions that are not used in practice or are outdated.
Spring Core Principles - Basics Part 2
Who is this course right for?
Developers new to Spring
Developers who want to learn Spring properly
A developer who studied Spring but gave up because it was difficult
Developer job seeker
Need to know before starting?
Java language
Relational Database Fundamentals
전: 우아한형제들 기술이사, 카카오, SK플래닛
진짜 실무에 필요한 제대로 된 개발자가 될 수 있도록, 교육하는 것이 저의 목표입니다.
EO 인터뷰 영상
개발바닥 - 시골 청년 개발왕 되다
28 lectures ∙ (5hr 21min)
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