You can understand and master all the web technologies required for web application development from the basics. In Part 2 of MVC, you can learn all the utilization technologies required for practical web development on top of the core principles and structure of Part 1 of MVC.
What you will learn!
Java Backend Web Technologies
Spring Web Technology
Spring MVC
If you know the principle, you will see the core!
Kim Young-han's Spring MVC Utilization 👨💻
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Most modern applications are web applications that operate in a web environment. Java backend developers mostly use Spring MVC when developing these web applications. Spring MVC is the most popular web framework that helps you develop complex web applications easily and quickly.
Java Backend Web technology is very vast and there is a lot to study. In particular, Spring MVC provides many functions and has a complex structure. In order to properly learn these web technologies, you must first understand the core principles and structure of Spring MVC, and then conquer the vast web utilization technologies one by one on top of that.
Please check whether you understood the core principles and structure of Spring MVC required for web development through the previous lecture , <Spring MVC Part 1> .
1. From the beginning of Java web technology to the latest practical technology
2. Develop the MVC framework directly in code
So far, we have learned Java backend and Spring MVC-based technologies. In this lecture, we will learn the technologies that are essential for practical use based on what we have learned so far.
In Part 2 of Spring MVC, you can completely conquer a vast range of web utilization technologies such as view templates , messages , internationalization , validation , cookies , sessions , filters , interceptors , exception handling , type converters , and file uploads , which are essential for practical use, through examples, based on the Spring MVC learned in Part 1.
We will help you grow into a more in-depth backend web developer by completing a wide range of web utilization technologies through practical example codes on top of Spring MVC and its core principles and structures.
Spring MVC
First time developer
Backend Developer
Job seeker
Spring MVC in depth
Developers in the field who want to understand
Web App with Spring
Developers who want to create
Thymeleaf is a server-side view template for backend developers. With Thymeleaf, you can create dynamic HTML quickly and easily with only backend developers, without a separate frontend developer.
In this course, you will learn everything from the basic functions of Thymeleaf, to integration with Spring, and complex form management functions such as check boxes, radio buttons, and select boxes, through examples.
As web applications become larger and more complex, it becomes necessary to manage the various messages used in a consistent manner in one place. For example, if you want to change the word “product name” to “product name,” you have to modify the source code of many files. Using the message function provided by Spring, you can manage and modify these things at once.
Internationalization is the function of displaying a site in English for English speakers and in Korean for Korean speakers. Spring already provides this internationalization function. In this lecture, we will learn about the messages and internationalization functions provided by Spring step by step through real examples.
If a customer enters incorrect values in an input form when signing up for membership and sends them to the server, the server must verify the values and show the customer the input form again, kindly informing them of what was entered incorrectly. This is a necessary feature for all web services.
In this lecture, we will first develop these validation functions ourselves. Then, we will use the validation functions provided by Spring, and further, we will learn step-by-step through examples up to the Bean Validation function, which performs validation functions very conveniently with a single annotation.
HTTP is a stateless protocol. Therefore, in order to maintain the login function, concepts such as cookies and sessions are required. In this lecture, we will first create a login function using only cookies. Then, we will check what security issues there are and then create and apply sessions directly.
By going through the process of creating sessions in this way, you can gain a deeper understanding of how cookies and sessions work. In addition, you will learn and apply sessions provided by servlets.
We will learn about filters provided by servlets and interceptors provided by Spring through examples.
First, let's create a function to log all the simplest HTTP requests using filters and interceptors, and then create a function for authentication processing using filters and interceptors as well. By using them together like this, you can clearly understand the pros and cons of each.
When learning web applications, the most difficult part to understand is exception handling. This is because the servlet container (WAS) and Spring MVC each provide their own exception handling methods. And in reality, these two are mixed and the exception handling mechanism operates in a complex manner. Therefore, it is very difficult for developers to accurately understand and use how Spring and the servlet container each operate internally when an exception occurs in the controller.
In this lecture, we will explain step by step from exception handling in servlet containers to exception handling in Spring MVC. So after listening to the lecture, you will clearly understand how the server works when an actual exception occurs and what points to change. In addition, exception handling when using the API is also explained.
When developing an application, there are many cases where you need to convert types, such as converting characters to numbers or vice versa. For example, even if the character "10" is passed in an HTTP request, Spring can receive it as the number 10, which is an Integer type, with @RequestParam. Spring provides a feature called type converter to support consistent type conversion.
Type converters are often mentioned when learning Spring, but it is not easy to understand in depth how they actually work. Through this lecture, you can understand the basics of type converters and their use step by step through examples.
There are numerous file upload examples on the Internet. In this lecture, we will go beyond simply explaining the file upload function and explain in depth the protocol used for file upload and the principle of file upload in HTTP. And we will learn the file upload function step by step through examples, starting from servlet to convenient file upload method provided by Spring.
The Spring MVC lecture is divided into two parts.
This lecture is Spring MVC Part 2 -
This is a technology that utilizes backend web development .
Cover the core concepts of Java web technology and Spring MVC, and understand the basic features of Spring MVC.
Part 1 first introduces Java backend web technology, and learns about web technology in general, including servlets, JSP, MVC patterns, and MVC frameworks. After understanding the background of web technology, we will solidify the core concepts of Spring MVC. After that, we will learn the basic functions of Spring MVC, and develop a web page that can perform basic CRUD using Spring MVC.
Learn various techniques for utilizing Spring MVC.
Part 2 gradually develops an example, learning various Spring MVC utilization techniques through code, including Thymeleaf, messaging, internationalization, validation, cookies, sessions, filters, interceptors, exception handling, and common features and extension points.
We are preparing a series that will allow you to completely master Spring. We will teach you practical know-how, focusing on core Spring functions used in actual practice, boldly omitting functions that are not used in practice or are outdated.
Kim Young-han's Spring Complete Conquest Series
Spring Core Principles~Practical Applications This lecture includes
Complete mastery of Spring Boot + JPA practices
The latest practical backend technology with internal strength
Who is this course right for?
Developers new to Spring MVC
Developer job seeker
Working developers who want to deeply understand Spring MVC
Developers who want to create web applications with Spring
Need to know before starting?
Java language
Spring Basics
HTTP Basic Concepts
Spring MVC Part 1 - Core technologies for backend web development
전: 우아한형제들 기술이사, 카카오, SK플래닛
진짜 실무에 필요한 제대로 된 개발자가 될 수 있도록, 교육하는 것이 저의 목표입니다.
EO 인터뷰 영상
개발바닥 - 시골 청년 개발왕 되다
129 lectures ∙ (21hr 5min)
are provided.
Create a project
Introducing Timeleaf
text - text, utext
Variables - SpringEL
Basic Objects
URL link
Set property values
JavaScript inline
Template fragment
Template layout 1
Template layout 2
Project Settings
Add requirements
Checkbox - Single1
Checkbox - Single2
Checkbox - Multi
radio button
Select Box