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NotebookLM Usage Guide to Increase Productivity

This is a lecture that teaches you how to save time and maximize your work productivity by using NotebookLM.

(5.0) 2 reviews

56 students

Business Productivity
needs analysis

This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • How to use NotebookLM

  • Improve work efficiency

Increase work efficiency by 200% with NotebookLM: Smart document management

  • NotebookLM is a tool that innovatively simplifies document management and information analysis, allowing you to easily organize and utilize complex data. (Work productivity, demand analysis)

  • Through lectures, you can learn the core functions of NotebookLM and practice how to apply them to actual work.

  • It can be used in various fields such as planning, marketing, research, and development , and is effective for organizing documents, analyzing data, and planning ideas.

Learn this stuff 😀

Save time and maximize efficiency

  • Learn how to manage your information systematically and increase your productivity with Business NotebookLM.

  • It also covers functions such as document summarization, keyword extraction, and automatic classification using AI.

  • Learn how to break free from information overload and analyze and process your work smarter.

It briefly summarizes the data.

Application in various fields

  • Learn how to use NotebookLM in a variety of fields.

  • Learn how to quickly organize complex information and extract only the parts you need.

  • Learn how to easily learn features such as document upload, URL linking, and document extraction, and how to utilize them for analysis.

Data analysis of multiple tabis is possible

Summary of Key Features

Summary of Key Features

Things to note before taking the class

Practice environment

Learning Materials

  • Learning materials are provided as lecture notes for the lecture. 😀

Player Knowledge and Notes

  • A Google ID is required.

  • Since the speech is a bit slow, we recommend that you set the video playback speed to 1.2 to 1.5 and take the class.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • People who are short on time and want to increase their work productivity

  • For those who need quick analysis

Need to know before starting?

  • There is none.

This is may9noy











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16 lectures ∙ (1hr 56min)

Last updated: 


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