인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Algorithm & Data Structure

Non-majors catching up with majors - Data Structures (with JavaScript)

Data structures are essential subjects for studying algorithms! Let's learn various data structures using JavaScript!

(4.5) 11 reviews

358 students

Coding Test

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Linked list, stack, queue, deck

  • Tree, binary tree, binary search tree, red-black tree

  • Heap, priority queue

  • graph

What do computer science majors learn differently?
Even non-major developers can learn with the lectures 😎

If you've ever had these concerns, pay attention!


These days, all good companies require coding tests ...


I was trying to learn algorithms, but they said I had to learn data structures first .


So I looked for data structure/algorithm lectures and found Python, C++, Java... I'm a web developer so I only know JavaScript . What should I do?

Is computer science knowledge only for those who majored in it?
Anyone, even non-majors, can learn it!

Algorithms are really emphasized a lot because of coding tests! Data structures are a prerequisite subject that you must know when studying algorithms. Various structures used in algorithms such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are called data structures. If you know efficient data structures, the algorithms that use them are bound to be efficient!

Non-majors who have not studied computer science often think that majors already know something great. However , if they study step by step, non-majors can acquire specialized knowledge just as much as computer science majors . I will teach you only the core knowledge necessary for practical work.

If you can't answer 'yes' to any of the three questions below, then join this course!

  • Can you implement stacks, queues, heaps, trees, and graphs directly in JavaScript?
  • Do you know how to quickly calculate time complexity?
  • Do you know which data structure is the most effective when inserting, modifying, deleting, and retrieving data?

I recommend this to these people 🙆‍♀️

Job seekers studying algorithms for coding tests

People who are hesitant to learn data structures in a language other than JavaScript

People who want to know only the data structures frequently used in practice among the major subjects

Four key strengths unique to this course!

We provide lecture notes

We are releasing a lecture summary through GitHub . If you don't understand something or want to review it, please refer to the lecture notes!

Lectures conducted using JavaScript

Are you uncomfortable with the data structure/algorithm lectures being in different languages each time? The class is conducted in JavaScript. The code is also included in the textbook.

Active learning through questions and answers

The advantage of my lecture is Q&A. If you have a question, I will answer it within 48 hours. Feel free to ask questions about the lecture and study. It will help you understand the content more!

We are revising our classes or updating and supplementing them through news to answer frequently asked questions from our students.

Less burden, faster understanding

We will focus on data structures so that you can skip the math and quickly move on to algorithms. Save time by learning the essential content effectively!

Learn things like this 📚

Time/Space Complexity Analysis Method

Principles and implementation of stack, queue, tree, graph, and hash table data structures

Analysis and comparison of pros and cons and features of each data structure

Simple algorithms like recursion, heap sort, DFS, BFS, traversal, etc.

Q&A 💬

Q. How much JavaScript do I need to know?

Data structures and algorithms are independent of programming languages, so you can implement them by knowing only basic objects, functions, arrays, conditional statements, and loops. You rarely use special language features.

Q. Will I really gain the same knowledge as a specialist?

You will know less than a specialist, but you can save time by not having to learn useless knowledge that a specialist learns in the field.

Reference) Complete roadmap for Zero Second Lecture

Q. What should I do after learning data structures?

You can study algorithms. First, learn the theory (studying the theory is essential), and then you can solve problems on Programmers or Baekjoon at the same time. It would also be good to solve famous coding tests of the company from time to time when you have the chance.

Q. Are there any programs I need to install in advance?

You will proceed by entering the code into the VS Code editor. However, JavaScript also runs in the browser developer tools (F12) console tab, so you can copy and paste the code from the lecture notes into the console tab.

💾 Please check before taking the class

  • The course is based on Windows 11, but you can learn on other operating systems as well.
  • I use Visual Studio Code to write code.
  • Please refer to Github for lecture notes.
  • You can learn it if you know only the basic JavaScript grammar (arrays, objects, classes, conditional statements, loops).

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Those who are studying algorithms to prepare for coding tests

  • Those who want to study algorithms but are stuck starting from data structures

  • I'm a web developer, but I was confused because I wanted to learn algorithms/data structures in a language other than JS.

Need to know before starting?

  • JavaScript language basics (arrays, objects, classes, loops, conditional statements, etc.)

This is zerocho









제 강의의 장점은 Q&A입니다(인프런 답변왕 2회 수상). 24시간 이내에 최대한 답변드립니다! 같이 고민한다는 느낌으로 답변 드릴게요!


제로초 강의 전체 로드맵


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– ZeroCho.com 운영자
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33 lectures ∙ (5hr 36min)

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