Introduction to Machine Learning/Deep Learning and Python Introductory Course for Learning

You can acquire an overview of machine learning and deep learning, how to use basic tools, and the Python language knowledge necessary for learning in a short period of time.

(4.8) 18 reviews

490 students

Machine Learning(ML)
Deep Learning(DL)

This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • Machine Learning Overview

  • Basic grammar of Python language focusing on core

  • Pandas Basics

  • Numpy Basics

  • Matplotlib Basics

Python Basics for Introduction to Machine Learning & Deep Learning,
If you want to finish the main points quickly 💎

Essential for artificial intelligence
3 hour Python properties course!

What about this lecture?

History of Artificial Intelligence Jupyter Notebook
Python Pandas Matplotlib

This course was created so that those who want to take the “Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python” and “Building Deep Learning Models using PyTorch” courses can acquire the basic knowledge of Python necessary in a short period of time.

Machine learning/deep learning have become a trend!
However, when you actually try to get started, it can feel overwhelming. In particular, the fact that you cannot start without knowing the basics of a programming language is a burden for many people.

'They say it's good to start from the basics of Python step by step, but I don't have enough time....'
'Can't we just cover the basics of Python, which are essential for implementing artificial intelligence, in properties?'

This course is designed for those people. Based on my experience teaching machine learning/deep learning for many years, I will help you acquire the Python knowledge necessary for machine learning in a short period of time through an accelerated course that extracts only the essential parts. Let's take on the challenge together?

Crash Course!
So that we can finish it quickly.

Let's quickly review the basic Python grammar in about 35 minutes.

We will also quickly organize the content necessary for getting started with actual machine learning/deep learning, such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, linear algebra, and feature scaling.

Check out the Q&A ! 💬

Q. Is it possible to acquire basic Python skills in such a short period of time?

Python is a much easier language to learn than Java or C++. You will gain enough knowledge to follow the follow-up courses , “Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python” and “Building Deep Learning Models Using PyTorch.”

Q. But shouldn’t I take a proper language course?

Of course, that is the most ideal way to do it, but it takes a lot of time. If you spend about 5 weeks learning the entire Python language, 1 week learning Numpy, 1 week learning Pandas, and 1 week learning Matplotlib, you can gain beginner to intermediate skills. However, most of the content you study in that time is often needed in fields other than machine learning, so this lecture aims to deliver the core necessary for machine learning/deep learning in a short period of time.

Q. But wouldn’t it be better to start studying from the basics step by step?

If you have enough time, I highly recommend you do so. This course is designed for those who are short on time and feel burdened by the introduction to machine learning/deep learning due to the basic course.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who need a quick basic course to take machine learning/deep learning classes

  • For those who are curious about the history of artificial intelligence

  • For those who are curious about the differences between traditional machine learning and deep learning

This is trimurti











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홈페이지 주소:



27 lectures ∙ (4hr 53min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 



18 reviews


18 reviews