This course is designed for engineers who are new to Logpresso. Logpresso is a real-time big data solution developed with purely domestic technology. By completing this course, you will learn the basic usage of Logpresso queries. This course is designed to focus on practical application, so you will install Logpresso on your PC or laptop and use it to complete the course.
The Logpresso Getting Started course is designed for engineers who are new to Logpresso.
The goal of this process is to familiarize yourself with Logpresso through Logpresso queries.
In this course, you will learn how to install and use Logpresso on a Windows-based PC.
First, we will introduce the characteristics of Logpresso queries and how to retrieve data stored in Logpresso, and then we will discuss how to process the data to obtain the desired results.
You will learn how to set up and use indexes to quickly search your data.
Innovative Big Data Platform
Using Logpresso
Q) Where can I get the query and logpresso installation files?
A) All queries used in the lecture are posted in the Inflearn lecture notes. The installation file is included as a material in the lecture on Logpresso installation and sample data description.
Who is this course right for?
If you want to apply big data to your work easily and quickly
If you want to learn how to use a Logpresso
2013년에 설립된 빅데이터 전문 기업 로그프레소는 보안, 통신, 금융, 반도체, 물류 등 다양한 산업군에 빅데이터/AI 분석 플랫폼을 공급하고 있습니다.
20 lectures ∙ (4hr 7min)
Course Materials: