We will explain in detail how to implement FreeRTOS on STM32 MCUs.
What you will learn!
fw to use STM32CubeIDE
STM32 FreeRTOS implementation
The RTOS lecture you've been looking for,
Here it is! 😉
I have been using Non-OS Based Programs on MCUs for a long time. However, as the performance of MCUs has been updated, and in order to use many libraries provided by the OS, I felt the need for OS Based Programs.
Also, there are not many suitable materials for learning about RTOS. Most of the materials related to RTOS are about OS. However, in order to use it well in practice, it is more important to know how to use RTOS than to have deep knowledge about OS.
✋ Wait! What is an RTOS?
RTOS stands for Real-Time Operating System. It means processing application processing requests within a set time. It is used in places where the result can be predicted and a set processing time is required.
This lecture is an introductory book that kindly explains how developers who have been programming in Non-OS like me can program in OS-Based . It explains in detail how to implement FreeRTOS in ST's STM32 . If you follow the lecture, you will be able to do OS-Based programs naturally.
Anyone can program using FreeRTOS using the tools provided free of charge by ST. Even those who are new to ST's MCU can use ST's MCU after learning the content of the lecture. I hope this will be of great help to those who want to experience FreeRTOS. If there is anything you do not understand in the lecture, please post a question through the Inflearn community or the cafe I run and I will answer it.
📢 Please make sure to check before taking the class!
Anyone interested in ST's MCU
For those who want to learn RTOS
Someone who has an understanding of the C language
Q. Is there anything I need to prepare to attend the lecture?
This lecture will be conducted on the NUCLEO-F411RE practice board. If you do not have a board, please check the contents first and then purchase the board later and check it on the board.
Q. What program tools do you use?
We use STMCubeIDE v1.9.0, provided free of charge by ST. Please install it before taking the course.
I have been working as a developer for over 20 years in large and small companies and currently run a small business. I have developed an ISP(Image Signal Processing) ASIC for CCTV and many products using FPGA such as OLED inspection equipment and DAQ(Data Acquisition System). In addition to FPGA, I have a lot of experience in FW development (STM32, PIC32, AVR, ATMEGA, etc.), circuit design, Windows Program, etc.
Who is this course right for?
For those who want to learn STM32
For those who want to learn RTOS
Need to know before starting?
C language
저는 지난 20여년 동안 대기업, 중소기업에서 개발자로 일해왔고
현재는 작은 기업의 대표로 있습니다.
주요 경력사항은
Verilog HDL을 이용한 FPGA 설계
CCTV용 ISP ASIC 개발 (약 10년)
OLED Display 검사장비 개발 (약 3년)
FPGA를 이용한 장비 개발
Windows Application Program
Visual Studio MFC, C++
53 lectures
are provided.