Let's create a news site using the Quasar framework (vue.js) and Google News RSS.
Quasar Framework
Firebase hosting
Learn Quasar easily and simply,
Create your own news site!
Quasar Framework
Quasar Framework is a Vue.js-based framework that provides various modes such as PWA(Progressive Web App), SSR(Server-Side Rendering), and SPA(Single Page Application). It allows you to work on the front-end more intuitively and simply than any other tool. Although it is a tool that provides the best developer experience, it is not widely known in Korea. You can learn how to use it simply by watching this video without investing a lot of time.
Despite being a short 1-hour video, this lecture contains a lot of content for beginner developers.
We will create a news site using Quasar framework (vue.js) and Google News RSS, and distribute it through Firebase Hosting.
Who is this course right for?
Anyone who wants to know about Vue.js
Anyone who wants to know about Quasar Framework
People who want to stop listening to lectures and create a Real World Project
Need to know before starting?
실용주의 프로그래밍을 지향하는 프리랜서 개발자 입니다.
python, js, golang, c#, django framework, djangorestframework, flask, telegram bot, aws, vue.js, firebase, tailwind css... 닥치는대로 개발하고 있습니다.
특별히 배우고 싶거나 만들고 싶은 프로젝트가 있으시면 jinsyu.com@gmail.com으로 연락주세요.
11 lectures ∙ (1hr 12min)
qdrawer decoration
Understanding routes
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