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Google News Made with Quasar

Let's create a news site using the Quasar framework (vue.js) and Google News RSS.

(4.3) 12 reviews

91 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Quasar Framework

  • Vue.js

  • Firebase hosting

Learn Quasar easily and simply,
Create your own news site!

✔️ Quasar Framework?

Quasar Framework

Quasar Framework is a Vue.js-based framework that provides various modes such as PWA(Progressive Web App), SSR(Server-Side Rendering), and SPA(Single Page Application). It allows you to work on the front-end more intuitively and simply than any other tool. Although it is a tool that provides the best developer experience, it is not widely known in Korea. You can learn how to use it simply by watching this video without investing a lot of time.

Despite being a short 1-hour video, this lecture contains a lot of content for beginner developers.

✔️ Learn things like this

We will create a news site using Quasar framework (vue.js) and Google News RSS, and distribute it through Firebase Hosting.

✔️ Recommended for these people!

  • For those who want to learn about Vue.js
  • For those who want to learn about Quasar Framework
  • For those who want to know about Firebase hosting
  • Parsing using axios
  • Introducing Visual Studio Code and Extensions
  • For those who have web development experience but are new to Quasar Framework
  • For those who are just starting out with front-end development

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who wants to know about Vue.js

  • Anyone who wants to know about Quasar Framework

  • People who want to stop listening to lectures and create a Real World Project

Need to know before starting?

  • Javascript

  • Vue.js

  • HTML

This is jinsyu

실용주의 프로그래밍을 지향하는 프리랜서 개발자 입니다.

python, js, golang, c#, django framework, djangorestframework,  flask, telegram bot, aws, vue.js, firebase, tailwind css... 닥치는대로 개발하고 있습니다.

특별히 배우고 싶거나 만들고 싶은 프로젝트가 있으시면으로 연락주세요.



11 lectures ∙ (1hr 12min)

Last updated: 


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