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[Renewal] First-time MongoDB and NoSQL (Big Data) Database Bootcamp [From Introduction to Utilization] (Updated)

You will learn NoSQL technology, one of the basic technologies of full stack and data science technology used in the latest startups, which can handle big data. MongoDB is the easiest and fastest NoSQL technology to use. In this lecture, you will learn the basics of MongoDB in a short period of time and learn how to use MongoDB with Python.

(4.8) 159 reviews

2,987 students

Data Engineering

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Understanding the latest databases (NoSQL)

  • Understanding Database Fundamentals

  • Python Full Stack Basic Technology

  • Using DB with Python Programming

  • DB Basics for Big Data Analysis

  • DB Utilization for Full-Stack Service Development

  • MongoDB Basics

Big Data, Easier and More Powerful
Complete MongoDB from beginner to professional!

💡 We're back with a new, revised edition!

  • This course is the latest revised version of the original course published in 2019, reflecting student feedback and new MongoDB updates.

Easily access massive amounts of data, with the latest DB technology in the field
NoSQL + MongoDB all in one!

Official lecture on the leftover fun coding selected by Nekarakubae as in-house training

The latest revised version created by reflecting feedback from over 2,000 cumulative students

Learner-friendly structure that considers everything from beginners to practical use

This course is a course to learn MongoDB (NoSQL), which can handle big data, one of the basics of full-stack and data science technology. In order to introduce how to utilize MongoDB in the field, it includes Python programming and how to utilize MongoDB through crawling.

For the basics of Python and crawling, you can take the Python Introduction and Crawling Basics Bootcamp [Easy! Solid Materials!] to learn more effectively.

Even if you are new to MongoDB
You can learn without worrying.

I know database = SQL, but what is NoSQL?

All data is stored in a database, but existing SQL-based databases have limitations in processing the massive amounts of data that are being handled in recent industries. Therefore, NoSQL databases are widely used these days, and you can think of a database that handles big data as a NoSQL database.

Can I learn without knowing SQL?

NoSQL databases and SQL-based databases are not closely related. So, I designed this course so that you can take it without much difficulty even if you don't have any knowledge of SQL. However, if you understand SQL, you can become familiar with databases, so if you have no experience with SQL, it will be much more effective if you take it along with the lecture below.

What are the advantages of MongoDB among NoSQL databases?

There are many types of NoSQL databases. The most popular and easiest of these is MongoDB. If you are not familiar with NoSQL or databases themselves, I recommend this course to learn the basics of MongoDB in a short period of time and start using it right away.

I don't know how to learn the various grammars of MongoDB.

The grammar of MongoDB can be largely divided into basic grammar and grammar based on MongoDB Aggregation Framework. This lecture explains both grammars. However! It is difficult to make it your own and utilize it by simply listing the grammar. Therefore, this lecture explains various examples, examples based on real data, practice problems that you can solve yourself, and even utilization codes that collect data through Python crawling and store/analyze it in MongoDB in real time .

If you are not familiar with Python programming, we recommend that you learn along with the Python Introduction and Crawling Basics Bootcamp [Easy! Solid Materials!] lectures. We also provide a related lecture roadmap so that you can systematically build the basics for developers and data science. (You can check the entire related roadmap at the bottom of this detailed page.)

Does MongoDB only work in certain environments?

No. It works on Windows/macOS and is widely used on Linux. Also, since the database is not a program with a screen, once it is running, you can control it by connecting to MongoDB through a separate management tool or Python.

This course covers how to install and run MongoDB on Windows, Mac, and even AWS (cloud environment) Linux . Afterwards, you will learn about the management tools and core techniques for controlling MongoDB through Python.

We will proceed based on step-by-step/technology-specific code and materials so that you can become familiar with relevant application technologies in a short period of time.

Many people have learned over the years
Create proven courses.

Verified by 60,000 paid online students over 8 years!

Don't waste your time! Different instructors can lead to different IT courses.
We put a lot of effort into creating this book to provide thorough and reasonable education.

At first, it is easy to listen to the class, repeat naturally, and it is structured so that it can be easily remembered with various problems. In addition, it is explained so that it can be used as it is and can be modified to fit various cases by making it patternized so that it can be used in practice. Even after this lecture, you can understand the related technology and utilization systematically through the full stack and data roadmap at the bottom of this page. If you listen to the well-organized and verified IT lecture, you can make the related technology your own in a short period of time.

Provides various practical DB-based problems and solutions

🙋‍♂️ This is a lecture that I have been constantly thinking about and improving so that you can feel, 'Ah! It's really different!' . Please only take this lecture if you are reasonable, considerate of each other, and can build a good relationship as a student and instructor!

Learning systematically
The Roadmap of Dave Lee's Residual Fun Coding 🔑

Developer, Data Analyst, and Data Scientist Career Roadmap!

From web/app development to data analysis and AI, we provide an A to Z roadmap that allows you to build a solid foundation in a short period of time. IT technologies are closely linked to each other, so they must be integrated to enable web/app services or data science. By gradually increasing the difficulty and mastering core technologies, you can learn efficiently and understand the system and data in general, and grow into a competitive developer or data expert. To this end, we have prepared a roadmap that systematically organizes core technologies in each field.

1. The fastest data-to-process roadmap

I have created a video that explains in detail about this roadmap and the entire data analysis/science process. If you refer to the video, you can easily learn the data process without trial and error in a short period of time on your own !

Wait! ✋
Click on the roadmap below for more details. If you purchase the roadmaps all at once, they are available at a discounted price! (The discount will be reduced soon.)

2. The fastest full-stack roadmap

I have created a video that explains in detail the roadmap and the fastest way to learn and implement web/app development on your own. If you refer to this video, you can implement web/app without trial and error in a short period of time.

Wait! ✋
Click on the roadmap below for more details. If you purchase the roadmaps all at once, they are available at a discounted price! (The discount will be reduced soon.)

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who wants to use a DB with Python programming

  • Those who want to learn IT technologies needed for the latest startups

  • Those who want to learn the latest big data-based database

  • Those who want to learn basic data science/analysis skills

  • Those who want to learn full-stack basic skills

Need to know before starting?

  • Take a Python Introduction and Basic Crawling Bootcamp

  • Python Basic Grammar

This is funcoding











잔재미코딩, Dave Lee

  • About 잔재미코딩 소개 블로그 [클릭]

  • 주요 경력: 쿠팡 수석 개발 매니저/Principle Product Manager, 삼성전자 개발 매니저 (경력 약 15년)

  • 학력: 고려대 일어일문 / 연세대 컴퓨터공학 석사 (완전 짬뽕)

  • 주요 개발 이력: 삼성페이, 이커머스 검색 서비스, RTOS 컴파일러, Linux Kernel Patch for NAS

  • 저서: 리눅스 커널 프로그래밍, 리눅스 운영 체제의 이해와 개발, 누구나 쓱 읽고 싹 이해하는 IT 핵심 기술, 왕초보를 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍 입문서

  • 운영 사이트: 잔재미코딩 ( [클릭]

  • 풀스택/데이터과학 관련 무료 자료를 공유하는 사이트입니다.

  • 기타: 잔재미코딩 유투브 채널 [클릭] 

    • IT 학습에 도움이 되는 팁/ 짧은 무료 강의를 공유하고자, 조금씩 시작하고 있습니다~

최신 현업과 IT 강의를 병행하며, 8년째 꾸준히 견고한 풀스택과 데이터과학 강의를 만들고 있습니다.





42 lectures ∙ (9hr 31min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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