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ADsP Quick Start!

Learn the ADsP certification passing strategy and learn the memorization subjects in summary. Don't hesitate any longer and challenge yourself for the ADsP certification!

(4.7) 10 reviews

327 students

Big Data

This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • How to prepare for ADsP certification

  • ADsP Certification Passing Strategy!

  • Data Analysis Associate Specialist

  • Understanding Data

  • Data Analysis Planning

ADsP Certification Quick and Easy!
A strategic approach will get you straight to passing!

ADsP Certification
Prepare efficiently

ADsP Certification Preparation Time Waste DOWN Efficiency UP 💪

Get the essential certifications for a data analyst career

Boring memorization subjects, summarized with only the key points 👍

ADsP Certification Exam Confidence Full 😉

Do you have any of the following concerns?

I need to get the ADsP certification
I don't know where to start 😭

I tried to study with the textbook, but it wasn't fun.
I feel like I'm wasting my time on such a huge amount of stuff . 🤣

The boring 1st and 2nd memorization subjects
I want to learn it quickly and summarize it ! 🙏

Rather than learning without any particular order
I need a guide to pass ! 🥳

In this lecture
You will learn the following:

For beginners who are challenging the ADsP certification, we will quickly convey only the key points of 1 and 2 subjects focusing on theory.

Course for beginners

170+ pages of lecture slides PDF provided

Provides a passing strategy based on analysis of past exam questions keywords

Analysis of past exam questions keywords and passing strategies

DIKW Pyramid

Data Project Types

KDD Analysis Methodology

Who created this course

Ruby's Coding - James Sam (PhD)

  • Years of experience teaching ADsP and Big Data Analysis Engineer certification.

  • Lectures for employees of leading domestic companies such as S, K, L, and P.

  • Lectures and mentoring for job seekers, including K-Digital Training, ICT Innovation Square, Youth Employment Academy, and 4th Industrial Revolution talent development program.

  • SIC Artificial Intelligence Lecture Design.

  • Active entrepreneurship, lectures, and consulting activities over the past 10 years.

Q&A 💬

Q. Why is the ADsP (Data Analysis Associate Professional) certification necessary?

Now, in the era of big data and AI, data management and analysis have become more important than ever. That is why ADsP certification is always listed as a preferred condition in corporate job postings . ADsP certification holders are given extra points in public corporations, financial institutions, and IT fields. ADsP is establishing itself as a basic, essential certification.

Q. Do you have any player knowledge?

I don't have any prior knowledge. ADsP is a qualification that even non-majors can challenge. 🥳 😍 In the analysis subject, it seems that having a little bit of mathematical sense and programming sense would be helpful.

Q. As the title says, is it possible to prepare quickly?

I recommend watching the lecture video and immediately starting to solve past exam questions (not included). It may be different for each person, but I think it is possible to pass the first and second subjects in a short period of time, as you can prepare mainly by memorizing. 😎

Q. What exactly will I learn?

In this lecture, you will learn the first subject, "Understanding Data" and the second subject, "Data Analysis Planning . " The third subject, " Data Analysis ", will be prepared as a separate lecture at a later opportunity ( scheduled for the first quarter of 2025 ). 🙇‍♂ 💕

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who want to start preparing for ADsP certification

  • For those who want to know the types of ADsP past questions

  • For those who want to quickly summarize and learn ADsP 1st and 2nd memorization subjects

  • People who are worried because their ADsP certification study efficiency is not increasing

This is 루비네코딩











루비와 James 쌤이 만들어가는 코딩교실입니다.  

루비는 먹고 자는 것이 취미이며 호기심 많은 시츄 여아 입니다. 

많은 관심 부탁해요~~ 😊 🙇‍♂️ 🙏

루비네 코딩 : 네이버 블로그 (







20 lectures ∙ (1hr 34min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 



10 reviews


10 reviews

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