Master the nationally certified data analysis associate specialist qualification exam in 2 weeks! Acquire the core theories and background knowledge of data, and learn advanced knowledge of data analysis using R, a statistical analysis tool.
Learn about situational analysis methodologies and the overall data analysis process
Acquire statistical knowledge and R knowledge essential to data analysis practice
Complete preparation for the qualification exam by summarizing essential theories and key points
Complete exam preparation by solving past exam questions by subject
If you follow along for just 2 weeks, you too can become a big data semi-expert!
Challenge yourself to pass the nationally recognized ADsP qualification.
Data Analysis Associate Professional (ADsP) Certification Exam 👨🎓
As the first nationally recognized qualification exam in the field of big data in Korea,
Expertise in big data and data analysis practices
This is a verification test.
It is the era of big data! As the demand for data analysis experts increases, data-related knowledge and capabilities have become essential regardless of the business field. So how can we prove our data analysis expertise? The representative standard is the Advanced Data Analytics Semi-Professional (ADsP) qualification exam .
The ADsP qualification examination is Korea's first nationally recognized qualification in the field of big data, designed to certify data practitioners who perform tasks such as data analysis planning and data analysis based on basic knowledge of data.
If you are curious about the detailed exam outline and schedule? (Click)
Can I take the ADsP certification exam even if I don't have enough data and statistics knowledge? Of course you can!
Because data analysis skills do not simply mean the ability to use tools. Interpreting analysis results directly and planning the next project steps based on them are also data analysis skills.
Even those who are not confident in their coding, math, and statistics knowledge can learn in just 2 weeks with Maso Campus.
In addition to preparing for the ADsP qualification exam, you can also build theoretical knowledge and practical foundations for data analysis.
Well then, shall we prepare for the upcoming ADsP with Maso Campus? 💪
Q. I'm new to data analysis. Is there anything else I should prepare for the exam?
No prior knowledge of data analysis is required. This course provides detailed information so that even non-majors can learn and obtain certification right away.
Q. I heard that the exam requires R programming. Do I need to study R programming in advance?
Knowledge of R is helpful, but not required.
Q. Are there any reference books on the market that contain content or past exam questions that can be used as reference while taking the class?
It is even better to study with Maso Campus ' book, 'ADsP that even non-majors can learn and obtain right away.'
Who is this course right for?
Those who aim to obtain the nationally certified data analysis associate professional (ADsP) qualification in a short period of time
Anyone who wants to pursue a job or career in data analysis/data science
For those who want to learn what big data is and how it is used
For those who want to learn everything from statistical knowledge to basic grammar and data mining practice all at once
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113 lectures ∙ (25hr 1min)
Course Materials: