When I tried to install by using 'vagrant up', however dashboard pod is not running.
Many times I tried by 'vagrant destroy' and 'vagrant box remove centos/7', even thought I reset Windows 10 OS.
last month I installed well, but this error occurred from yesterday.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Windows 10
CPU Core: 6
답변 1
안녕하세요. Calico 주소가 변경되서 설치가 실패했을겁니다.
아래 주소로 실행해보세요
# Calico 설치
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubetm/kubetm.github.io/master/yamls/k8s-install/calico.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubetm/kubetm.github.io/master/yamls/k8s-install/calico-custom.yaml
Thank you for your replay,
I attached
and the result file of your suggestion
위에서 calico 설치를 위해 실행해야 할 명령어는 두개 입니다.
아래 명령어 실행하시면 됩니다.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubetm/kubetm.github.io/master/yamls/k8s-install/calico-custom.yaml
In the picture above, the dashboard pod is not running.
Of the two calico addresses you suggested, the first one applied is the same as the picture above, and the second one is the same as what I asked on Feb. 10.
FYI: the instructions for installing kubernetes on GKE are very different from the current GKE, so I couldn't install it while following it.