안녕하세요 멘토님. 그대로 따라하다가 히로쿠에서 deploy 클릭시 다음과 같은 빌드에러가 발생합니다.
-----> Building on the Heroku-22 stack
-----> Using buildpack: heroku/nodejs
-----> App not compatible with buildpack: https://buildpack-registry.s3.amazonaws.com/buildpacks/heroku/nodejs.tgz
! ERROR: Application not supported by 'heroku/nodejs' buildpack
! The 'heroku/nodejs' buildpack is set on this application, but was
! unable to detect a Node.js codebase.
! A Node.js app on Heroku requires a 'package.json' at the root of
! the directory structure.
! If you are trying to deploy a Node.js application, ensure that this
! file is present at the top level directory. This directory has the
! following files:
! shopping-mall/
! yarn.lock
! If you are trying to deploy an application written in another
! language, you need to change the list of buildpacks set on your
! Heroku app using the 'heroku buildpacks' command.
! For more information, refer to the following documentation:
! https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks
! https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#activation
More info: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#detection-failure
! Push failed
참고하라는 곳을 봐도 쇼핑몰프로젝트에 어떤 빌드팩을 써야하는지 모르겠어서요 ㅜㅜ
참고: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#setting-a-buildpack-on-an-application
보아하니 Setting에서 빌드팩 추가하는 부분이 있길래 이부분에서 뭔가를 해줘야하는거 같은데, 안되네요ㅜㅜ (참고로 저는 heroku/nodejs라고 설정했었습니다.)
도와주세요 ㅜㅜ
답변 1
안쪽이 deploy
되야하는거 아닌가요? 그 겉의 디렉토리에서 deploy
하려고해서 package.json
이 없다고 에러나는거 같은데요